William Sjulstad
William Sjulstad is a Geography Trainee at the NGTOC, working for the NHD, graduating in May 2018 with a BA in Geography and GISci Certificate.
Education and Certifications
BA/Geography, University of Colorado Denver, 2018
Science and Products
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) represents surface waters of the United States including, rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal features. The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is comprised of hierarchical polygons called hydrologic units that represent surface area over which water drains to a point. Both datasets are updated by stewards and are available by subsets of the United States.
Science and Products
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) represents surface waters of the United States including, rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal features. The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is comprised of hierarchical polygons called hydrologic units that represent surface area over which water drains to a point. Both datasets are updated by stewards and are available by subsets of the United States.