OPR: Assistant Director for Research
1. Establishment. Established by the Director on November 9, 1983.
2. Purpose. Provide a Bureau-level focal point for planning, coordinating, and recommending policy guidelines for USGS international activities and programs.
3. Responsibilities and Functions. The principal responsibilities and functions are to:
A. Recommend policy and goals for USGS international activities.
B. Ensure the most effective application of the Survey's scientific and technical capacity in support of the United States foreign policy objectives.
C. Coordinate and facilitate technical advice and support to other U.S. Government agencies in the geologic, hydrologic, and mapping sciences as required to meet their international program objectives.
D. Monitor and recommend the appropriate level of USGS participation in international scientific meetings, organizations, and programs in geology, hydrology, mapping science, and other disciplines as they relate to USGS missions.
E. Foster and enhance interdivisional awareness and cooperation to ensure an integrated approach in all relevant negotiations, consultations, and activities.
F. Review and advise on international activity protocols and agreements.
G. Once each year, the International Activities Policy Committee (IAPC) will brief the Executive Committee on the status of USGS international activities and periodically advise the Director on policies and actions needed to develop and conduct a progressive and responsive international program.
4. Organization and Membership.
- Chairperson: Assistant Director for Engineering Geology
Vice Chairperson: Assistant Director for Research
Members: Associate Division Chiefs and principal international program managers from the Geologic, Water Resources, and National Mapping Divisions, and a representative from the Information Systems and Administrative Divisions.
5. Type of Organization. Permanent.
6. Reporting. To the Director.
7. Staff. None. Secretarial service will be arranged by the Chairperson.
8. Meetings. Held semiannually or more frequently, as called by the Chairperson.
9. Subcommittees. The Chairperson is authorized to establish subcommittees on an ad hoc or permanent basis with the endorsement of a majority of the committee.