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This page shows a summary of directives finalized in Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023.

USGS Directives: FY23 Updates


Directive Type (action) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Survey Manual Chapter (new) 0 0 0 0 0
Survey Manual Chapter (revision) 0 5 3 6 14
Survey Manual Chapter (archival) 1 2 7 0 10
Survey Manual Handbook (new) 0 0 0 0 0
Survey Manual Handbook (revision) 0 0 0 0 0
Survey Manual Handbook (archival) 0 0 0 1 1
Instructional Memorandum (new) 0 0 0 0 0
Instructional Memorandum (special revision) 1 0 0 0 1
Instructional Memorandum (archival) 2 1 0 4 7
New Bureau Operating Procedure 0 0 0 1 1

Manual-wide Memorandum for

Record (when a significant change

applies to several directives at once)

1 0 0 0 1
Total 5 8 10 12 35



Revision: SM 502.1, Fundamental Science Practices: Foundation Policy


Revision: SM 205.2, Travel Delegations, Appendix A


Revision: SM 205.4, Acquisition and Financial Assistance; SM 445.1, Occupational Safety and Health Program Responsibilities

New: Occupational Safety and Health Bureau Operating Procedures

Archival: 445-2-H, Occupational Safety and Health Program Handbook


Revision: SM 308.69.1, Facilities Investment Review Subcommittee


Revision: SM 100.1, Policy and Procedure for Organizational Changes, at Appendix A


Archival: IM AEI 2011-01, Modifications to SM 501.1, Chapter 12, Special Rates; IM AEI 2011-06, Addendum to APS 2004-14, Special Policy Guidance Related to Hurricane Irene Storm Surge; IM AEI 2014-04, Series for the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental and Department of the Interior Governance and Reporting Policy and Guidance for Reimbursable Agreements; IM OA 2014-07, Series for the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental and Department of the Interior Governance and Reporting Policy and Guidance for Reimbursable Agreements - Update to Round 1 and Round 2



Archival: SM 313.4, Facsimile Transmission Equipment; SM 313.6, Federal Telecommunications Systems; SM 313.10, Listening in or Recording Telephone Conversations; SM 313.11, Placing Personal Calls; SM 313.12, Telephone Equipment; and SM 313.13, Radiocommunications. 


Revision: SM 344.16, Employee and Non-Employee Clearance Procedures


Revision: SM 601.1, USGS Web Standards


Revision: SM 302.2, Automatic Succession - Director


Archival: SM 308.33, Federal Emergency Management Agency - USGS Interagency Committee for Program Coordination



Archival: SM 308.59, Special Emphasis Program Advisory Committee


Revision: SM 500.26, Domestic Memorandum of Understanding; SM 308.67, Joint Business and Field Leaders Team; SM 308.56, Workplace Equity, Engagement, and Excellence Council (WE3)


Archival: SM 308.68, Field Managers Team


Revision: SM 318.1, Freedom of Information Act


Revision: SM 205.13, Delegations of Authority to Enter into Agreements and to Accept Contributions, and Appendix A 

Archival: IM OA 2018-01 Collaborative Agreement Revisions - Survey Manual Chapter 205.13, Appendix A



Revision: IM HC 2021-01, Conflict Resolution for Position Classification


New: Memorandum for the Record; reflect change from one Deputy Director to two - the Deputy Director for Administration and Policy and the Deputy Director for Operations; Full SM update


Archival: SM 342.1, Payment to Gage Readers, Samplers, and Observers


Archival: IM COVID-19 2020-01, Tracking Spending Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Activities; IM Community Vaccination Centers 2021-01


USGS Directives: FY22 Updates


Directive Type (action) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Survey Manual Chapter (new) 1 2 2 1 6 Survey Manual Chapter (revision) 7 2 4 4 17 Survey Manual Chapter (archival) 3 1 0 0 4 Survey Manual Handbook (new) 0 0 0 1 1 Survey Manual Handbook (revision) 3 6 1 4 14 Survey Manual Handbook (archival) 0 0 0 1 1 Instructional Memorandum (new) 0 0 2 2 4 Instructional Memorandum (special revision) 0 0 0 0 0 Instructional Memorandum (archival) 0 0 0 1 1

Manual-wide Memorandum for

Record (when a significant change

applies to several directives at once)

0 1 0 0 1   14 12 9 14 49





New: IM OSQI 2022-01, Quality Management System for U.S. Geological Survey Laboratories

Archival: IM OSQI 2018-01, Quality Management System for USGS Laboratories


New: SM 500.18, Grants (Funds-in) -- Application and Acceptance; SM-H 500.18, Grants (Funds-in) -- Application and Acceptance Handbook


Revision: SM 500.19, Donations to USGS from Outside Sources


New: IM OA 2022-02, Employee Evacuation Payment Guidance

Revised: SM 308.69, Facilities Investment Review Board; SM 308.69.1, Facilities Investment Review Subcommittee


Revision: SM 100.1, Policy and Procedure for Organizational Changes (v2)


Revision: SM 431.5, Directives Management


Revision: Occupational Safety and Health Program Requirements Handbook, 445-2-H, Chapter 1, Purpose, Authority, and Policy; Chapter 5, Safety Program Evaluations; Chapter 6, Inspection and Abatement, and Appendix A; and Chapter 8, Employee Reports of Unsafe Conditions and Allegations of Reprisal

Archival: Occupational Safety and Health Program Requirements Handbook, 445-2-H, Chapter 3, Annual Action Plans and Status Reports



Revision: Directives Management Handbook, SM-H 431.5


New: SM 601.3, U.S. Geological Survey Staff Profiles


Revision: SM 100.1, Policy and Procedure for Organizational Changes; SM 205.1, Personnel Management


Revision: SM 340.2, Permanent Change of Station


Revision: SM 308.75, Executive Leadership Team Charter


New: IM OA 2022-01, Administrative Guidance on Space Management Policy


New: SM 345.1, Retention Incentive Considerations


New: IM DRRA 2022-01, Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations and Bureau Governance and Reporting



Revision: SM 500.25, Scientific Integrity


New: SM 502.10, Fundamental Science Practices: USGS Authorship of Scientific Information Products

Revision: SM 308.74, USGS Fundamental Science Practices Advisory Council

Archival: SM 1100.5, Authorship, Acknowledgments, and Credits in USGS Information Products


New: Memorandum for the Record; Executive Order 13988, Stage 2; Full SM Update


Revision: Occupational Safety and Health Program Requirements Handbook, 445-2-H, Chapter 2, Responsibilities, Appendix 2-A


New: SM 601.2, Content Management System Certification


Revision: Occupational Safety and Health Program Requirements Handbook, 445-2-H, Chapter 11, Staffing Safety and Health Positions; Chapter 12, Professional Development; Chapter 29, Firearms Safety Program; Chapter 33, Contractor Safety and Health; Chapter 54 (renumbered to 55), Safety Glossary of Terms, References, and Acronyms; Appendix 12-1; Appendix 29-A; Appendix 29-B; and Appendix 29-C



Revision: Occupational Safety and Health Program Requirements Handbook, 445-2-H, Chapter 2, Responsibilities; Chapter 9, Occupational Safety and Health Councils, Committees, and Working Groups; Chapter 14, Safety and Health Training; Appendix 2-B; Appendix 14-1; and Appendix 14-2


Revision: SM 308.64, Occupational Safety and Health Council; SM 308.66, Specialized Safety Program Committees; and SM 445.1, Occupational Safety and Health Policy and Responsibilities


Revision: SM 205.10, Financial Administration Delegations at Appendix A; SM 453.1, Inventions by Employees


New: SM 431.12, Requests for Court Testimony or Records and Certification of Records

Revision: SM 205.4, Acquisition and Financial Assistance; SM 500.5, News Release and Media Relations Policy

Archival: SM 205.9, Authority to Approve Request to Testify, and Release of Official Personnel Folders; SM 301.3, Certification of USGS Reproductions; and SM 450.2, Court Testimony and Release of Official Records

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