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TNMCorps FAQ: Volunteer Hours

QUESTION: Can I count my volunteer hours toward community service or to fulfill my scholarship?

ANSWER: As long as The National Map Corps has been approved by the court (or other school/agency/organization requiring volunteer time), you are welcome to participate in order to fulfill your community or volunteer service hours. Since the work for this project is done remotely and we have no way of automatically tracking the hours that you work on The National Map Corps, you will be responsible for tracking your own hours.  

Once you think you've completed your required number of hours, you will need to notify us so we can verify your time and prepare a certification letter. Make sure to notify us of your hours completion at least five business days prior to when you need to turn in your certification letter. To verify the amount of time you've spent editing, we look at the number of unique points you've edited. We estimate that it takes an average of 12.5 minutes to edit a single point, so if you've edited 100 unique points for example, we can verify that you've contributed roughly 20 hours to our project.  

Keep in mind that we will be reviewing your contributions. Time stamps and changes made are logged each time a user clicks ‘Save’, so we'll be able to see how quickly you're editing. If we determine that the data isn't being properly researched and edited, we reserve the right to withhold certification until the quality of work improves. 

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