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Asset Identifier Service (AIS)

December 15, 2023

Learn more about the Science Data Management Branch or explore our other data management tools.

What does this tool do?

Diagram saying FAIR, findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable
The Information Science group has developed 15 guidelines that describe data and metadata that are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). Data that are aligned with the FAIR Principles are ready to be used in automated analysis and modeling processes that integrate multidisciplinary data and research results to analyze and predict complex interactions among human and earth systems. 

The USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) allows USGS personnel to reserve, register, publish, and manage USGS persistent identifiers to make our research more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). AIS includes separate modules for unique identifier types including the following:

  • DataCite Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs),
  • DataCite International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSNs)
  • USGS Persistent identifiers (PIDs)

AIS has a graphical user interface to allow users to create and manage identifiers as well as dashboards for browsing and searching for identifiers. AIS also includes an application programming interface (API) to assist with system integration and bulk creation and management of identifiers.

Who is the audience for this tool?

The primary audience for this tool is USGS data and software repository owners. Some USGS repositories, such as ScienceBase, have established workflows for assigning, publishing, and managing DOIs and PIDs for data and software products. For repositories without such workflows, USGS data managers and researchers can use the AIS to assign, publish, and manage their own identifiers. 

Any USGS employee or contractor with an Active Directory account can reserve identifiers through the Asset Identifier Service (AIS). In order to manage an identifier, the employee or contractor will either need to be listed as a co-owner on the identifier or they will need to be documented as a data manager for the Science Center that is listed as the data source for the identifier. If you are a data manager for a science center and you would like to have access to manage all of your Science Center's identifiers, please email

How do I get started?

What happened to the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Tool and the Persistent Identifier Registration (PIR) Tool?

  • The DOI Tool and the PIR Tool have been decommissioned, and all DOIs and PIDs have been transitioned into AIS. AIS combines the functionalities of both of these tools into one tool, interface, and API.

Will the process for data release through ScienceBase change?

  • The ScienceBase Data Release Tool will be updated to interact with the Asset Identifier Service (AIS) to reserve DOIs. The transition from DOI Tool to AIS should be seamless for SBDR Tool users.

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