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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - September 28, 2018

September 28, 2018

Before and after satellite images of Leilani Estates subdivision

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This comparison shows satellite images of Leilani Estates subdivision before and after the May-August 2018 eruption. The image on the right, collected in early September 2018, shows that the eastern portion of the subdivision has been covered by lava. The Fissure 8 lava channel runs northeast, with the Fissure 8 cone at the start of the channel. Note also the brown areas (dead vegetation) south of the flow. Highway 130 runs north-south along the left side of the images.

Before and after satellite images of the Fissure 8 area in Leilani Estates

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A close up comparison of the Fissure 8 area in Leilani Estates subdivision. Leilani Avenue runs right-left (east-west) through the center of the images. On the right side, the crater in the Fissure 8 cone is visible, with the Fissure 8 lava channel extending north.

Before and after satellite images of Lanipuna Gardens subdivision

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This comparison shows before and after images in the area of Lanipuna Gardens subdivision. Pohoiki Road runs left to right through the center of the image. The Puna Geothermal Ventures site is in the upper left portion of the image.

Before and after satellite images of Kapoho

image related to volcanoes. See description
This comparison shows the area of Kapoho before and after the eruption. Kapoho Crater is in the left portion of the image. Lava filled much of the crater, including the small nested crater that contained Green Lake. The Kapoho Beach Lots subdivision is in the right side of the image, north of Kapoho Bay, and was completely covered by the Fissure 8 lava flow. Vacationland Hawai‘i, in the lower right corner of the image, was also completely covered, along with the adjacent tide pools. Kapoho Farm Lots, near the center of the image, is also beneath the flow.

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