A mud pot releases a burst of gas in the Davis-Schrimpf Seep Field near the Salton Sea. The geothermal area here is related to the same faulting and volcanic system which created the Salton Buttes lava domes. USGS photo by Deb Bergfeld, 2016.
A mud pot releases a burst of gas in the Davis-Schrimpf Seep Field near the Salton Sea. The geothermal area here is related to the same faulting and volcanic system which created the Salton Buttes lava domes. USGS photo by Deb Bergfeld, 2016.
Mudpots near Salton Buttes on the edge of the Salton Sea
Mudpots near Salton Buttes on the edge of the Salton Sea
Mudpots bubble and steam near the Salton Buttes lava domes, a volcanic area at the southeastern end of the Salton Sea, California.
Mudpots bubble and steam near the Salton Buttes lava domes, a volcanic area at the southeastern end of the Salton Sea, California.