3DEP Lidar Base Spec News
New revisions have been added to the LBS Revision Status website. These revisions are proposed and subject to change.
Lidar Base Specification 2022 rev. A was published on April 6, 2022.
Lidar Base Specification Revision Status
The 3DEP Lidar Base Specification undergoes a continuous revision and update process. Revision requests are submitted through the 3DEP Working Group (WG) and the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center. Requests are reviewed by the Elevation Specifications Review Board (ESRB). If the ESRB approves a request, it is reviewed for final approval by the 3DEP WG.
Clarify Intensity Requirement
The current wording of the intensity requirement in the Lidar Base Specification is overly complex and attempts to limit processing by data producers. This revision will simplify the wording to better cite the ASPRS LAS specification.
Number of Decimal Places
Data are sometimes delivered with many decimal places--far beyond the number of significant digits. This requirement will specify the maximum number of decimal places to be used for linear data. This requirement does not apply to non-linear geographic coordinates.
Withheld flag Proof of Performance Version Control
It is necessary for the withheld bit flag proof of performance to be concurrent with the point cloud delivery.
Report on Withheld flag Proof of Performance
This revision will add a requirement to the Lidar Mapping Report to include a write-up of the withheld bit-flag proof-of-performance methodology.
Point Cloud Delivery in LAZ Format
This requirement will change the delivery format for lidar point clouds delivered to the USGS from LAS to the compressed LAZ format in order to reduce storage requirements.