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Miami-Dade County, Florida Northwest Wellfield Study


  • Renken, R. A., K. J. Cunningham, A. M. Shapiro, R. W. Harvey, M. R. Zygnerski, D. W. Metge, and M. A. Wacker (2008), Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow, Water Resour. Res., 44, W08429, doi:10.1029/2007WR006058.
  • Shapiro, A. M., R. A. Renken, R. W. Harvey, M. R. Zygnerski, and D. W. Metge (2008), Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 2. Chemical retention from diffusion and slow advection, Water Resour. Res., 44, W08430, doi:10.1029/2007WR006059.
  • Harvey, R. W., D. W. Metge, A. M. Shapiro, R. A. Renken, C. L. Osborn, J. N. Ryan, K. J. Cunningham, and L. Landkamer (2008), Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, Water Resour. Res., 44, W08431, doi:10.1029/2007WR006060.
  • Renken, R.A., Shapiro, A.M., Cunningham, K.J., Harvey, R.W., Metge, D.W., Zygnerski, M.R., Osborn, C.L., Wacker, M.A. and Ryan, J.N., 2005, Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer: Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, v. 11, no. 4 (pdf format) (HTML abstract only), p. 319-331.


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