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USGS Active Patents


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The following is a list of active patents offered by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). To inquire about their use and licensing opportunities contact the Office of Policy and Analysis or the persons identified below.

Note: Licenses may be negotiated as either exclusive or nonexclusive.

USGS Patents Available to License - Sorted by Latest Patent Number FirstCopy/paste a patent number into the USPTO patents search page to view the patent details.
Patent Name Patent Number
Multiparameter standard solution for water-quality analysis 11,768,160
Discrete sample introduction module (DSIM) for gas analysis by laser absorption spectroscopy 11,674,892
Microparticle Generation System 10,933,390
Remotely monitored greenhouse gas flux testing of wetlands and vegetation 10,816,442
Hydroxide Stabilization for controlling invasive species- - in a lock system 10,800,497
Variable Volume Flow Injection Nozzle 10,765,102

Compositions and methods comprising endophytic bacterium for

application to grasses to increase plant growth, suppress soil

borne fungal diseases, and reduce vigor of weedy competitors

Subsurface Sampler 10,704,993
Microbially-mediated method for synthesis of metal chalcogenide nanoparticles 10,337,030
Distributed Temperature Sensor Probe 10,180,360
Selectively Perceptible Wind Turbine System (Summary) 9,995,282
Handheld UnderWater Suction Sampler (Summary) 9,921,139
Safe, Directional, Drought-Resistant Dug Well (SDDW) (Summary) 9,689,235
Nozzle Mixing Apparatus 9,688,551
Fluid Sampling System 9,181,799
Anaerobic Microbial Composition and Method of Using Same (CIP) 8,673,614

Methods of Using Curvularia Strains to Confer Stress Tolerance

and/or Growth Enhancement in Plants

Measuring Seawater Capacitance in Three Dimensions as Well as Time 8,463,568
Composites Comprising Biologically-Synthesized Nanomaterials 8,431,640

Apparatus to Assist in the Collection of Stormwater-Quality

Samples in a Vertical Profile

Anaerobic Microbial Composition and Method of Using Same 8,105,808

Method for the Removal of Phosphorus from Wastewater Using

Acid Mine Drainage Sludge in a Flow Through Contacter

Method for the Removal of Phosphorus from Wastewater  7,294,275
Use of Endophytic Fungi to Treat Plants 7,232,565

Method and Apparatus for Control of Aquatic Vertebrate

and Invertebrate Invasive Species


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