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The sockeye salmon population of the Lake Ozette watershed in northwestern Washington has been federally listed as threatened since 1999. Although the population has grown, numbers remain insufficient to allow harvest.

As part of the recovery plan, a population model was developed to assess factors limiting sockeye survival, but it is not accessible for testing future scenarios. This users’ guide accompanies a newly available online population model that can be used by researchers, managers, and the public to experiment with potential management actions by manipulating model parameters affecting salmon survival. This gives those involved in salmon recovery a tool to test hypotheses, observe sensitivities, and incorporate new data so resources can be focused on the most impactful ecosystem components.


Woodward, A., Haggerty, M., Crain, P., 2019, Life-History Model for Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at Lake Ozette, Northwestern Washington—Users’ Guide: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2019-1031, p. 79,

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