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USGS Astrogeology gears up for the 5th Planetary Data Workshop and 2nd Planetary Science Informatics & Data Analytics Meeting: A data driven endeavor!

June 8, 2021

Astrogeology Science Center (ASC) gears up for the upcoming 5th Planetary Data Workshop (PDW) and 2nd Planetary Science Informatics & Data Analytics (PSIDA) meeting, which will be held virtually from June 28 to July 2, 2021, with a registration deadline of June 23.


LPI's 5th Planetary Data Workshop Banner
Photo Credit: LPI's 5th Planetary Data Workshop Banner 

The PDW and PSIDA are the two most important meetings for those involved in the details of planetary data, from data collection and analysis to software development and archiving. This year, the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is combining the two meetings into a single virtual planetary data extravaganza!  The meeting will bring together planetary scientists, data providers from current and recent space exploration missions, data archivists, and software and technology experts to exchange ideas on current capabilities and the needs for improved and new tools that can be used to address evolving needs in planetary research and data analysis. Combining the meetings broadens the pool of expertise across disciplines and fosters collaboration among all parties involved in the current goal of improving data usability and analytics in planetary science.

The combined workshop will include 45-minute live oral presentations and moderated panel discussions with Q&A, one-hour topic-specific scheduled poster sessions that will include live lightning talks, and “Birds-of-a-feather” discussions that will occur before and after the daily conference sessions. Discussions and topics range from improving data usability, to machine learning, to diversity in planetary data. Lessons learned can be shared and applied to help attendees improve their skills, encourage innovation, and handle current issues in planetary research and data analysis.

Interested? Sign up here by June 23.

One of ASC’s primary goals is to improve tools and technology to make data more accessible and easier to work with. ASC-led presentations in the 2021 workshop and links to abstracts: 




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