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USGS to facilitate workshop in support of EPA’s Great Lakes Area of Concern program

March 7, 2019

Priorities set by this group will guide funding decicsionsj for years to come.

Josh Miller and Dr. Jeff Schaeffer (GLSC, Ann Arbor, Michigan) will facilitate a workshop among approximately 50 aquatic resource managers and scientists in the Toledo, Ohio, region under the Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) program on March 14, 2019. The AOC program is administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency and carried out by Federal, state, and local partners; it seeks to remediate regions throughout the Great Lakes basin suffering from legacy contamination and degradation. The USGS role has been to provide science-based information within the collaborative decision-making process. Outcomes of the workshop will serve as the foundation for recommendations of a broad set of restoration actions to be potentially funded by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative over the coming decade.

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