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USGS publishes strategic plan for examining risk from natural hazards

November 30, 2018

A new USGS report, Science for a Risky World: A USGS Plan for Risk Research and Applications, defines for the first time the role of USGS in risk research and applications.

This includes hazard assessments, operational forecasts and warnings, vulnerability assessments, risk assessments, risk communication, decision-support systems, and post-event assessments. These activities and products are connected by the need to directly support decision makers in their efforts to better understand societal risk from hazards and to have the necessary information to make science-based, risk reduction decisions. The Risk Plan identifies the Bureau's core competencies in this arena and includes background on and specific recommendations for building institutional capacity for creating sustained partnerships, supporting professional staff, and improving product delivery. 

Venn Diagram:  Hazards and Society
Intersection of multiple hazards and coupled human-natural systems that create risk. Through collaboration across the Burea with external partners, USGS risk research and applications improve our understanding of risk and support risk decisions.

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