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December 6, 2023

From November 28th to 30th, the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) held its fall conference in Indian Wells, California. ACWA conferences are where water industry professionals learn, connect, and pursue networking opportunities. This fall’s conference drew over 1,500 attendees and exhibitors from throughout the state, many from municipal and agricultural water districts. 

The USGS California Water Science Center (CAWSC) participated by sending a team of six (both scientists and communications staff) and by hosting a booth. CAWSC participation marked the first in-person presence at the ACWA conference since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The CAWSC ACWA Conference team
The CAWSC ACWA Conference team included (L to R): Steve Ackley, Elizabeth Jachens, Anke Mueller-Solger, John "Izzy" Izbicki, Bryant Jurgens, and Claudia Faunt
Dr. John Izbicki discusses research with a conference attendee.
Dr. John Izbicki discusses research with a conference attendee.

The theme for the CAWSC booth at the conference was “Why is Groundwater Quality Changing?” and featured several recent projects and reports. Topics included: aquifer recharge, pumping during times of drought, groundwater fluoride and salinity concentrations, and trends in groundwater quality. The booth also showcased  the recent high-profile report on levels of hexavalent chromium (CrVI) found in groundwater in the area near Hinkley, California. The report’s author, Dr. John Izbicki, was on hand to answer questions from conference attendees.

To learn more about the CAWSC content presented at the ACWA conference, see the webpage: Why is Groundwater Quality Changing?

Overall, the conference provided an excellent opportunity to share the latest USGS water science with those who seriously rely on it. The California Water Science Center looks forward to participating in the spring 2024 conference, to be held in May in Sacramento.



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