Why is Groundwater Quality Changing?
Increased Pumping in California’s Central Valley During Drought Worsens Groundwater Quality in Public Drinking Water Wells
Pumping during drought pulled shallow, contaminated groundwater down to depths commonly tapped for public drinking-water supply.
Natural Fluoride Concentration Patterns Are Changing Because of Water Use
Intensive use and management of groundwater, especially in the southern part of the State, is causing changes in the natural fluoride patterns.
Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Coachella Valley Using Colorado River Water is the Primary Source of Increasing Salinity Concentrations in the Indio Subbasin
One third of the water supply wells are delivering saltier water than in the past.
Defining Natural Background Levels of Hexavalent Chromium Cr(VI) in Hinkley, California
Scientists map the extent of human-introduced hexavalent chromium, a known carcinogen under specific circumstances, in California’s Hinkley Valley.
Artificial Recharge Can Cause Mixing with Septic Effluent Stored in the Unsaturated Zone
Artificial recharge by the Hi Desert Water District in the Warren Subbasin raised the water table to the point where septic discharge started mixing into groundwater.
Groundwater Quality Tapped by Public Supply Wells Changes Over Time
The USGS has compiled all of the analytical data submitted by drinking water suppliers and USGS sampling from 1974–2022 into a tool that maps trends in groundwater quality.
Groundwater is a critical resource in California and water quality a key factor in water supply reliability. This web page presents a number of case studies that explain why and how groundwater quality is changing as a result of water use and management practices.
Defining Natural Background Levels of Hexavalent Chromium Cr(VI) in Hinkley, California
- Natural background concentrations of Cr(VI) in groundwater are controlled by a number of factors including pH and oxygen, time since recharge, and local geology.
- The local community participated in the science by describing the meaning of “background” and by observing USGS sampling and on-site chemical analysis in the mobile lab.
Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Coachella Valley Using Colorado River Water is the Primary Source of Increasing Salinity Concentrations in the Indio Subbasin
- Salinity in the Indio groundwater basin in the Coachella Valley is increasing. One third of the water supply wells are delivering saltier water than in the past.
- Imported Colorado River water is used to replenish the aquifer and is the dominant source of salinity responsible for these trends both basin-wide and in 3/4 of the water supply wells delivering highest salinity water.
- Treated wastewater and agricultural return flows also contribute salinity to some shallow areas.
- Salinity trends and concentrations are not homogenous.
Artificial Recharge Can Cause Mixing with Septic Effluent Stored in the Unsaturated Zone
- Artificial recharge by the Hi Desert Water District in the Warren Subbasin raised the water table to the point where septic discharge started mixing into groundwater.
- The USGS provided a solute-transport model coupled with groundwater-flow models so water managers could simulate changes in groundwater quality at specific sites as recharge and septic sources mix.
- Cost-effective monitoring networks can be designed using modeled information.
Increased Pumping in California’s Central Valley During Drought Worsens Groundwater Quality in Public Drinking Water Wells
- Increased pumping from wells in the Central Valley during drought pulled shallow, contaminated groundwater down to depths commonly tapped for public drinking-water supply.
- Water-quality problems from legacy groundwater pollution can get worse, faster, when pumping increases during drought.
- This is a regional scale pattern occurring over 30 years. Water quality delivered by individual wells can differ.
Natural Fluoride Concentration Patterns Are Changing Because of Water Use
- Intensive use and management of groundwater, especially in the southern part of the State, is causing changes in the natural fluoride patterns.
- In areas like the Coachella Valley where recharge consists of imported, salty water from the Colorado River, fluoride concentrations are generally decreasing.
- In locations like Orange County, recharge with treated wastewater creates aquifer conditions that increase fluoride concentrations.
- Statewide, natural fluoride concentrations are decreasing in 9.6% of the groundwater resources used for public supply in the state and increasing in 4.6% of the resources.
Groundwater Quality Tapped by Public Supply Wells Changes Over Time
- The USGS has compiled all of the analytical data submitted by drinking water suppliers and USGS sampling from 1974–2022 into a tool that maps trends in groundwater quality.
- Some noteworthy findings:
- Groundwater quality can change seasonally and over long periods of time.
- Trends can reverse.
Related Content
Below are additional publications on groundwater quality change.
Arsenic, chromium, uranium, and vanadium in rock, alluvium, and groundwater, Mojave River and Morongo Areas, western Mojave Desert, southern California
Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California
Mapping aquifer salinity gradients and effects of oil field produced water disposal using geophysical logs: Elk Hills, Buena Vista and Coles Levee Oil Fields, San Joaquin Valley, California
Simulation of groundwater and surface-water resources of the San Antonio Creek Valley watershed, Santa Barbara County, California
Machine learning predictions of nitrate in groundwater used for drinking supply in the conterminous United States
Geologic influences on the quality of groundwater used for domestic supply in the northern Sierra Nevada Foothills
Groundwater quality of aquifers overlying the Oxnard Oil Field, Ventura County, California
Anthropogenic and geologic causes of anomalously high uranium concentrations in groundwater used for drinking water supply in the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, CA
Groundwater salinity and the effects of produced water disposal in the Lost Hills-Belridge oilfields, Kern County, California
A novel high-frequency groundwater quality monitoring system
Hydrogeologic controls and geochemical indicators of groundwater movement in the Niles Cone and southern East Bay Plain groundwater subbasins, Alameda County, California
Selected techniques for monitoring water movement through unsaturated alluvium during managed aquifer recharge
Below are web tools related to groundwater quality change.
Denitrification Only Removes Minor Amounts of Nitrate in Eastern San Joaquin Valley Groundwater
Nitrate is a major concern to water-resource managers in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, and there are extensive regulatory programs in place that seek to reduce nonpoint-source loading and eventually reduce concentrations in groundwater.
Trends in Arsenic Concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley
Arsenic is known to be a problem in groundwater used for drinking water supplies in the San Joaquin Valley. About 10% of the are of groundwater resources used for public supply contain more than the USEPA MCL of 10 µg/L. Most public-supply and domestic wells currently yield groundwater with arsenic levels below 3 µg/L and do not exhibit trends in concentration.
Nothing Happens Right Away—Predicting Decreases in Nitrate Concentrations After Zero Loading is Achieved
This focuses on how we use groundwater age to predict changes in nitrate concentrations over time. Typically, deep public supply wells draw from deeper parts of the aquifer where water is decades, centuries, or even millenia old.
Irrigation Causes Naturally Occurring Uranium to Dissolve into Groundwater in the Eastern San Joaquin Valley
The USGS first identified uranium as a potential issue in California's groundwater during studies conducted in the Modesto area funded by the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program. Subsequently, the GAMA program undertook a broader analysis of uranium concentrations across the State.
Related Content
Below are additional publications on groundwater quality change.
Arsenic, chromium, uranium, and vanadium in rock, alluvium, and groundwater, Mojave River and Morongo Areas, western Mojave Desert, southern California
Modeling the dynamic penetration depth of post-1950s water in unconfined aquifers using environmental tracers: Central Valley, California
Mapping aquifer salinity gradients and effects of oil field produced water disposal using geophysical logs: Elk Hills, Buena Vista and Coles Levee Oil Fields, San Joaquin Valley, California
Simulation of groundwater and surface-water resources of the San Antonio Creek Valley watershed, Santa Barbara County, California
Machine learning predictions of nitrate in groundwater used for drinking supply in the conterminous United States
Geologic influences on the quality of groundwater used for domestic supply in the northern Sierra Nevada Foothills
Groundwater quality of aquifers overlying the Oxnard Oil Field, Ventura County, California
Anthropogenic and geologic causes of anomalously high uranium concentrations in groundwater used for drinking water supply in the southeastern San Joaquin Valley, CA
Groundwater salinity and the effects of produced water disposal in the Lost Hills-Belridge oilfields, Kern County, California
A novel high-frequency groundwater quality monitoring system
Hydrogeologic controls and geochemical indicators of groundwater movement in the Niles Cone and southern East Bay Plain groundwater subbasins, Alameda County, California
Selected techniques for monitoring water movement through unsaturated alluvium during managed aquifer recharge
Below are web tools related to groundwater quality change.
Denitrification Only Removes Minor Amounts of Nitrate in Eastern San Joaquin Valley Groundwater
Nitrate is a major concern to water-resource managers in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, and there are extensive regulatory programs in place that seek to reduce nonpoint-source loading and eventually reduce concentrations in groundwater.
Trends in Arsenic Concentrations in the San Joaquin Valley
Arsenic is known to be a problem in groundwater used for drinking water supplies in the San Joaquin Valley. About 10% of the are of groundwater resources used for public supply contain more than the USEPA MCL of 10 µg/L. Most public-supply and domestic wells currently yield groundwater with arsenic levels below 3 µg/L and do not exhibit trends in concentration.
Nothing Happens Right Away—Predicting Decreases in Nitrate Concentrations After Zero Loading is Achieved
This focuses on how we use groundwater age to predict changes in nitrate concentrations over time. Typically, deep public supply wells draw from deeper parts of the aquifer where water is decades, centuries, or even millenia old.
Irrigation Causes Naturally Occurring Uranium to Dissolve into Groundwater in the Eastern San Joaquin Valley
The USGS first identified uranium as a potential issue in California's groundwater during studies conducted in the Modesto area funded by the USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program. Subsequently, the GAMA program undertook a broader analysis of uranium concentrations across the State.