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The CDI focuses on opportunities to share information across disciplines and organizational structures, invigorating cross-boundary communication.

The CDI is a group where members can grow their expertise on all aspects of working with scientific data. The CDI focuses on opportunities to share information across disciplines and organizational structures, invigorating cross-boundary communication. CDI is funded and led by the U.S Geological Survey, but is open to all who are interested in contributing to our community's topics and activities. 

The CDI's purpose is to:

  • Advance understanding of earth systems through enhanced use of data and information and associated tools and techniques
  • Provide a forum for people doing work with data integration to come together and learn how to do their job better
  • Advance overall USGS capabilities with data and information by increasing visibility on the work of many people throughout the USGS

In order to support many of the innovative ideas in the community, the CDI supports community collaboration areas that form around common interests, help address challenges, and identify solutions that enable data integration efforts. Furthermore, the CDI has held an annual CDI Request for Proposals process to award seed funds for projects that focus on data integration for interdisciplinary research, innovative data management, and potentially cutting edge technology.

Who can join the CDI?

The CDI is open to anyone who is interested in our community’s topics and activities.

Who manages the CDI?

CDI is funded and managed by the Science Analytics and Synthesis (SAS) Science Data Management Branch (SDM) with support from the Associate Director of the USGS Core Science Systems (CSS) Mission Area and the USGS Office of Enterprise Information (OEI). SDM provides Bureau-wide leadership to optimize and share USGS science data management practices and workflows.  SDM designs, supports, and builds community around enterprise tools and services that align with the USGS Science Data Lifecycle to ensure scientific data are fully described, preserved, and publicly accessible.

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