NWIS Web Services Snapshot for ArcGIS
2012 Updates (from the FY12 Annual Review)
The NWIS Web Services Snapshot represents the next generation of data retrieval and management. The newest Snapshot tool allows instant access to NWIS data from four different web services through ArcGIS, software available to all USGS scientists in all mission areas. Increased data retrieval efficiency reduces the steps required to retrieve and compile water data from multiple sites from what can be more than 30 steps to just a few clicks. As an end-user education tool, it promotes use of NWIS data from both web services and the NWIS database, which increases the production of scientific research and analysis that uses NWIS data. The Snapshot database design enables efficient data compilation and preparation which is fundamental and pre-requisite to achieving the USGS Science Strategy vision of integrated ecosystem science based on integrated data.
Principal Investigator : Sally L Holl
- NWIS data available to all USGS scientists
- Reduced steps to compile data from multiple sites
- Updated Software and Code Public release in June 2012
- Source code reviewed and openly available at
- https://github.com/usgs/nwis-web-services-snapshot-add-in
- http://txpub.usgs.gov/snapshot (content no longer available)
- http://tx.cr.usgs.gov/snapshot
- Updated access to USGS-EPA Water Quality Portal
- Feedback to web services developers in place
- 13 in-person and WebEx presentations for more than 500 people, hosted from 5 cities
- Invited speaker at Texas State University Department of Geography for GIS Day, October 2012
- Full suite of reviewed training materials for software developers and GIS end-users (content no longer available)
- USGS Fact Sheet
- Poster presented and demonstration given at CDI DataBlast (July 2012)
- Presentation given at CDI-hosted Webinar (September 2012)
2011 Updates (from the FY11 Annual Review)
- Strengthen the backend database design
- Migrated the Tool to ArcGIS 10
- Enhanced the user interface
- Expanded the geographic area over which data can be accessed
- Educated scientists on how to visualize and analyze the retrieved data using their existing tools
CDI also contributed to the development of this project in FY 2010
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 523a2cd8e4b04b9308ae5085)
U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration-NWIS Web Services Snapshot Tool for ArcGIS
2012 Updates (from the FY12 Annual Review)
The NWIS Web Services Snapshot represents the next generation of data retrieval and management. The newest Snapshot tool allows instant access to NWIS data from four different web services through ArcGIS, software available to all USGS scientists in all mission areas. Increased data retrieval efficiency reduces the steps required to retrieve and compile water data from multiple sites from what can be more than 30 steps to just a few clicks. As an end-user education tool, it promotes use of NWIS data from both web services and the NWIS database, which increases the production of scientific research and analysis that uses NWIS data. The Snapshot database design enables efficient data compilation and preparation which is fundamental and pre-requisite to achieving the USGS Science Strategy vision of integrated ecosystem science based on integrated data.
Principal Investigator : Sally L Holl
- NWIS data available to all USGS scientists
- Reduced steps to compile data from multiple sites
- Updated Software and Code Public release in June 2012
- Source code reviewed and openly available at
- https://github.com/usgs/nwis-web-services-snapshot-add-in
- http://txpub.usgs.gov/snapshot (content no longer available)
- http://tx.cr.usgs.gov/snapshot
- Updated access to USGS-EPA Water Quality Portal
- Feedback to web services developers in place
- 13 in-person and WebEx presentations for more than 500 people, hosted from 5 cities
- Invited speaker at Texas State University Department of Geography for GIS Day, October 2012
- Full suite of reviewed training materials for software developers and GIS end-users (content no longer available)
- USGS Fact Sheet
- Poster presented and demonstration given at CDI DataBlast (July 2012)
- Presentation given at CDI-hosted Webinar (September 2012)
2011 Updates (from the FY11 Annual Review)
- Strengthen the backend database design
- Migrated the Tool to ArcGIS 10
- Enhanced the user interface
- Expanded the geographic area over which data can be accessed
- Educated scientists on how to visualize and analyze the retrieved data using their existing tools
CDI also contributed to the development of this project in FY 2010
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 523a2cd8e4b04b9308ae5085)