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An official website of the United States government

In 1966, the Department of the Interior announced it was launching a new endeavor with the revolutionary goal of gathering data about the Earth's natural resources using satellites equipped with sophisticated remote sensing instruments. Discover how EROS developed in tandem with the Landsat satellite program to become a world-renowned center for Earth observation and data products.

How EROS' Location Was Determined

When the idea of EROS was conceived, it was decided that it needed to be centrally located for receiving data as Landsat satellites passed over the United States. The choice for the Center's location was narrowed to several States. Ultimately, South Dakota was selected as the site for the Center, due in part to the role played by the late S.D. Senator Karl Mundt.

Who Uses the Data in EROS Archives?

Scientists, managers, and technical users from around the world, including the staff at EROS, use data from the archives for a variety of data applications and research programs.

EROS History Project

The EROS History Project set out to preserve as much historical information on EROS as possible, dating as far back as 1966.  The web site was developed to enable the sharing of these historical documents (text reports, still pictures, and videos). While a significant amount of information exists on the site now, we will continually add to the site as we discover and preserve more and more history.

The site is organized by decade followed by tabs containing Documents or Videos.  Individual decades may have additional categories such as Newsletters, Reports or Anniversaries.  Pictures utilize a gallery approach.  


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