Pete Doucette Named Director of USGS EROS
Pete Doucette has been named Director of the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, after serving as Acting Director since March 2021.
USGS National Geospatial Directorate Director David Brostuen, who oversees EROS and the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, announced that Doucette will continue to provide vision, strategic direction and oversight for EROS business and data operations. EROS has an annual operating budget of about $120M (FY23) and about 730 Federal and contractor employees distributed across Sioux Falls and the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
"With EROS celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, I couldn’t be more pleased than to have Pete at the helm of the Center as it evolves towards the next generation of Landsat operations and science. His proven depth and expertise in geospatial science, applications and sensor technology perfectly complement his exceptional leadership skills, the passion he has for the people at EROS and the world-class services they provide," Brostuen said.
Before he started in the Acting Director role, Doucette served as the lead for Integrated Science and Applications at EROS and the Associate Program Coordinator for the USGS National Land Imaging Program.
“Over the past 50 years of exploring the Earth’s landscape, EROS has earned the reputation as a world-class center for land remote sensing because of our people,” Doucette said. “Our challenge moving forward is to retain and recruit world- class talent as we adapt to evolving technology. Our amazing mission to explore the Earth’s landscape will continue to fuel our passion and dedication. As EROS Director, I am humbled and delighted to be part of that mission.”
Doucette began his career in geospatial data sciences in 1990. He has held positions with the federal government, a national lab, academia and the private sector. His expertise spans the disciplines of remote sensing, machine learning/AI, image processing, spatial analysis and uncertainty propagation, photogrammetry and GIS.
Doucette holds a Ph.D. in Spatial Information Science & Engineering from the University of Maine, an M.S. in Civil Engineering (Geomatics) from Purdue University and a B.S in Engineering Physics from the University of Maine.
Read a Q&A with Doucette from the time of his arrival at EROS here.
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