The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The year, month, and day that the image was acquired.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: Cloud Cover is the percentage of a scene that is obscured by clouds. Users are encouraged to view browse images prior to downloading data to confirm acceptable cloud cover impacts. Values may not be available for all scenes.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The Date Entered refers to the date the record was added to the inventory.
- Field Definition: The Entity ID utilizes satellite information and acquisition parameters to identify the scene.
Valid Format =
EO1 = Satellite
S = Sensor (H=Hyperion or A=ALI)
PPP = Target WRS path
RRR = Target WRS row
YYYY = Year of acquisition
DDD = Julian day of acquisition
X (0=off; 1=on) Hyperion
X (0=off; 1=on) ALI
X (0=off; 1=on) AC
M = Pointing mode*
L = Scene length**
GGG = Ground/Receiving Station
VV = Version Number
*Pointing mode
N = Nadir
P = Pointed within path/row
K = Pointed outside path/row
**Scene length
F = Full scene
P = Partial scene
Q = Second partial scene
S = Swath
0 - 9 = Special modes 0 - 9
Remainder of alphabet are EDC collects
- Field Definition: The angle from the satellite between the nadir of the satellite and the center of the targeted image
-17.433 through 17.433
- Field Definition: The Orbit Path is the WRS Path number over which the satellite was orbiting when the data was collected. This can be different from the Target Path because the sensor can be pointed to collect data from a different path. EO-1 follows the WRS-2 path and row system.
001 through 233
- Field Definition: The Orbit Row is the WRS Row number over which the satellite was orbiting when the data was collected. This can be different from the Target Row because the sensor can be pointed to collect data from a different row. EO-1 follows the WRS-2 path and row system.
001 through 248
- Field Definition: The processing level indicates the type of correction that has been applied to the scene.
Valid Levels:
Level 1R (L1R) = Radiometric corrections to compensate for variations due to detector sensitivity. This processing level is only available for Hyperion data. L1R products are provided in HDF format.
Level 1Gst (L1Gst) = Radiometric and systematic geometric corrections derived from spacecraft ephemeris data have been applied while employing a 90-meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy. L1Gst scenes are provided in GeoTIFF format.
Level 1T (L1T) = Radiometric and systematic geometric corrections incorporating ground control points have been applied while employing a 90-meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy. Geodetic accuracy of the product depends on the accuracy of the ground control points and is expected to be within 2 pixels. Scenes that do not have adequate ground control will be processed to the best level of correction (L1Gst). L1T scenes are provided in GeoTIFF format.
Full Resolution Browse = A full resolution image provided in JPEG format for scenes that have been processed to Level 1T.
GIS Ready Bundle = A full resolution image in JPEG format is bundled with metadata and a world file to use in geographic information systems, image processing software, and web mapping applications. This option provides users with a georeferenced JPEG image and is only available for scenes that have been processed to Level 1T.
WMS On-Demand = A Web Mapping Service (WMS) allows for access of georeferenced data from the USGS WMS server to mapping applications without actually downloading the data. A GIS software application that supports WMS is required to connect to the data over the internet using the URL sent via email. A WMS On-Demand order needs to be placed to receive a link to the data.
- Field Definition: Original ground station receiving site.
AGS = Alaska Ground Station, AK
AKS = DataLynx Ground Station, AK
CGS = Unknown
GGG = Unknown
GGS = Goddard Ground Station, MD
HGS = Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station, Holbart, Australia
LGS = Landsat Ground Station, SD
LXS = Landsat Ground Station, SD
PF1 = Poker Flat 1, AK
PF2 = Poker Flat 1, AK
SGS = Svalbard Ground Station, Norway
WGG = Unknown
WGS = Wallops Ground Station, VA
WPS = Wallops Ground Station, VA
r1_ = Unknown
- Field Definition: The EO-1 satellite circles the Earth at 7.5 km/sec, with an approximate satellite inclination of 98.2 degrees and an orbital period of 98.9 minutes.
- Field Definition: The year, day, minute, and seconds in which the satellite was turned on for swath acquisition.
YYYY - four-digit year
DDD - Julian day (001-366*)(* for leap year)
HH - hours (00-23)
MM - minutes (00-59)
SS.SSS - second (00.000-59.999
- Field Definition: The year, day, hour, minute, and seconds in which the satellite was turned off for swath acquisition.
YYYY - four-digit year
DDD - Julian day (001-366*)(* for leap year)
HH - hours (00-23)
MM - minutes (00-59)
SS.SSS - seconds (00.000-59.999)
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. A positive value (+) indicates angles to the East or clockwise from North. Zero indicates North. A negative value (-) indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from North.
-180.000000 through +180.000000 degrees (with 6-digit precision)
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. Elevation is the angle of vertical deviation of the sun measured from the horizon.
-90.000000 through +90.000000 degrees (with a 6-digit precision)
- Field Definition: The Target WRS Path number associated with the scene. ALI and Hyperion scenes have a smaller footprint than a Landsat scene and may not always align directly with the WRS-2 Path due to degradation of the EO-1 orbit as the satellite draws closer to end of mission.
001 through 233
- Field Definition: The Target WRS Row number associated with the scene. ALI and Hyperion scenes have a smaller footprint than a Landsat scene and may not always align directly with the WRS-2 Row due to degradation of the EO-1 orbit as the satellite draws closer to end of mission.
001 through 248
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The year, month, and day that the image was acquired.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: Cloud Cover is the percentage of a scene that is obscured by clouds. Users are encouraged to view browse images prior to downloading data to confirm acceptable cloud cover impacts. Values may not be available for all scenes.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The Date Entered refers to the date the record was added to the inventory.
- Field Definition: The Entity ID utilizes satellite information and acquisition parameters to identify the scene.
Valid Format =
EO1 = Satellite
S = Sensor (H=Hyperion or A=ALI)
PPP = Target WRS path
RRR = Target WRS row
YYYY = Year of acquisition
DDD = Julian day of acquisition
X (0=off; 1=on) Hyperion
X (0=off; 1=on) ALI
X (0=off; 1=on) AC
M = Pointing mode*
L = Scene length**
GGG = Ground/Receiving Station
VV = Version Number
*Pointing mode
N = Nadir
P = Pointed within path/row
K = Pointed outside path/row
**Scene length
F = Full scene
P = Partial scene
Q = Second partial scene
S = Swath
0 - 9 = Special modes 0 - 9
Remainder of alphabet are EDC collects
- Field Definition: The angle from the satellite between the nadir of the satellite and the center of the targeted image
-17.433 through 17.433
- Field Definition: The Orbit Path is the WRS Path number over which the satellite was orbiting when the data was collected. This can be different from the Target Path because the sensor can be pointed to collect data from a different path. EO-1 follows the WRS-2 path and row system.
001 through 233
- Field Definition: The Orbit Row is the WRS Row number over which the satellite was orbiting when the data was collected. This can be different from the Target Row because the sensor can be pointed to collect data from a different row. EO-1 follows the WRS-2 path and row system.
001 through 248
- Field Definition: The processing level indicates the type of correction that has been applied to the scene.
Valid Levels:
Level 1R (L1R) = Radiometric corrections to compensate for variations due to detector sensitivity. This processing level is only available for Hyperion data. L1R products are provided in HDF format.
Level 1Gst (L1Gst) = Radiometric and systematic geometric corrections derived from spacecraft ephemeris data have been applied while employing a 90-meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy. L1Gst scenes are provided in GeoTIFF format.
Level 1T (L1T) = Radiometric and systematic geometric corrections incorporating ground control points have been applied while employing a 90-meter Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topographic accuracy. Geodetic accuracy of the product depends on the accuracy of the ground control points and is expected to be within 2 pixels. Scenes that do not have adequate ground control will be processed to the best level of correction (L1Gst). L1T scenes are provided in GeoTIFF format.
Full Resolution Browse = A full resolution image provided in JPEG format for scenes that have been processed to Level 1T.
GIS Ready Bundle = A full resolution image in JPEG format is bundled with metadata and a world file to use in geographic information systems, image processing software, and web mapping applications. This option provides users with a georeferenced JPEG image and is only available for scenes that have been processed to Level 1T.
WMS On-Demand = A Web Mapping Service (WMS) allows for access of georeferenced data from the USGS WMS server to mapping applications without actually downloading the data. A GIS software application that supports WMS is required to connect to the data over the internet using the URL sent via email. A WMS On-Demand order needs to be placed to receive a link to the data.
- Field Definition: Original ground station receiving site.
AGS = Alaska Ground Station, AK
AKS = DataLynx Ground Station, AK
CGS = Unknown
GGG = Unknown
GGS = Goddard Ground Station, MD
HGS = Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite Station, Holbart, Australia
LGS = Landsat Ground Station, SD
LXS = Landsat Ground Station, SD
PF1 = Poker Flat 1, AK
PF2 = Poker Flat 1, AK
SGS = Svalbard Ground Station, Norway
WGG = Unknown
WGS = Wallops Ground Station, VA
WPS = Wallops Ground Station, VA
r1_ = Unknown
- Field Definition: The EO-1 satellite circles the Earth at 7.5 km/sec, with an approximate satellite inclination of 98.2 degrees and an orbital period of 98.9 minutes.
- Field Definition: The year, day, minute, and seconds in which the satellite was turned on for swath acquisition.
YYYY - four-digit year
DDD - Julian day (001-366*)(* for leap year)
HH - hours (00-23)
MM - minutes (00-59)
SS.SSS - second (00.000-59.999
- Field Definition: The year, day, hour, minute, and seconds in which the satellite was turned off for swath acquisition.
YYYY - four-digit year
DDD - Julian day (001-366*)(* for leap year)
HH - hours (00-23)
MM - minutes (00-59)
SS.SSS - seconds (00.000-59.999)
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. A positive value (+) indicates angles to the East or clockwise from North. Zero indicates North. A negative value (-) indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from North.
-180.000000 through +180.000000 degrees (with 6-digit precision)
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center. Elevation is the angle of vertical deviation of the sun measured from the horizon.
-90.000000 through +90.000000 degrees (with a 6-digit precision)
- Field Definition: The Target WRS Path number associated with the scene. ALI and Hyperion scenes have a smaller footprint than a Landsat scene and may not always align directly with the WRS-2 Path due to degradation of the EO-1 orbit as the satellite draws closer to end of mission.
001 through 233
- Field Definition: The Target WRS Row number associated with the scene. ALI and Hyperion scenes have a smaller footprint than a Landsat scene and may not always align directly with the WRS-2 Row due to degradation of the EO-1 orbit as the satellite draws closer to end of mission.
001 through 248