Global Land Survey Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The date the image was acquired.
- Field Definition: This flag identifies whether or not the entity has a browse image available. A browse image provides the user with a visual overview of an inventory item. The browse image is a subsampled raster image.
Not available for GLS1975 and GLS1990 TM.
Y = Yes
N = No
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – access EarthExplorer.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
- Field Definition: The datum associated with the image.
WGS 84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: This field uniquely identifies the individual landsat scene.
Example of GLS1975 Entity ID: P029R030_5X19901005
P = WRS Path Number; next three characters
ppp = WRS Path number
R = WRS Row Number; next three characters
rrr = WRS Row number
s = Satellite number
X = reserved space for future use
yyyy = Year of acquisition
mm = Month of acquisition
dd = Day of acquisition
Example of GLS1990 Entity ID: P029R030_5X19901005
P = WRS Path Number; next three characters
ppp = WRS Path number
R = WRS Row Number; next three characters
rrr = WRS Row number
s = Satellite number
X = reserved space for future use
yyyy = Year of acquisition
mm = Month of acquisition
dd = Day of acquisition
Example of GLS2000 ETM+ Entity ID: P029R030_7X20001005
P = WRS Path Number; next three characters
ppp = WRS Path number
R = WRS Row Number; next three characters
rrr = WRS Row number
s = Satellite number
X = reserved space for future use
yyyy = Year of acquisition
mm = Month of acquisition
dd = Day of acquisition
Example of GLS2005 Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM Entity ID: LE71770512006259ASN00
L = Landsat
E = ETM+
7 = Satellite number
PPP = Path (WRS-2)
RRR = Row (WRS-2)
YYYY = Four digit-year of acquisition
DDD = Julian date of acquisition
ASN = *Receiving Station
00 = Version number reflecting how many times the scene was processed (0=first time processed, 1= scene reprocessed, etc.)
*AAA = Data held by EROS, North American receiving site unknown
ASA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
ASN = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
FUI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Fucino, Italy (Historical)
GLC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gilmore Creek, AK, US
HOA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Hobart, Australia
KIS = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Kiruna, Sweden
MTI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Matera, Italy
EDC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
PAC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Prince Albert, Canada
GNC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gatineau, Canada
LGS = Data held by EROS, Landsat 5 data acquired by EROS beginning July 1, 2001
MOR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Moscow, Russia
MLK = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Malinda, Kenya
IKR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Irkutsk, Russia
CHM = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Chetumal, Mexico
XXO = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
XXX = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
Example of GLS2005 Islands Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) Advanced Land Imagery (ALI) Entity ID:
EO1 = Satellite
S = Sensor (H=Hyperion A=ALI)
PPP = Target WRS path
RRR = Target WRS row
YYYY = Year of acquisition
DDD = Julian day of acquisition
X (0=off; 1=on) Hyperion
X (0=off; 1=on) ALI
X (0=off; 1=on) AC
M = Pointing mode*
L = Scene length**
GGG = Ground/Receiving Station
VV = Version Number
*Pointing mode
N = Nadir
P = Pointed within path/row
K = Pointed outside path/row
**Scene length
F = Full scene
P = Partial scene
Q = Second partial scene
S = Swath
0 - 9 = Special modes 0 - 9
Remainder of alphabet are EDC collects
Example of GLS2010 Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM Entity ID: LE71760252010159MOR00
L = Landsat
E = ETM+
7 = Satellite number
PPP = Path (WRS-2)
RRR = Row (WRS-2)
YYYY = Four digit-year of acquisition
DDD = Julian date of acquisition
MOR = *Receiving Station
00 = Version number reflecting how many times the scene was processed (0=first time processed, 1= scene reprocessed, etc.)
*AAA = Data held by EROS, North American receiving site unknown
ASA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
ASN = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
FUI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Fucino, Italy (Historical)
GLC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gilmore Creek, AK, US
HOA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Hobart, Australia
KIS = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Kiruna, Sweden
MTI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Matera, Italy
EDC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
PAC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Prince Albert, Canada
GNC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gatineau, Canada
LGS = Data held by EROS, Landsat 5 data acquired by EROS beginning July 1, 2001
MOR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Moscow, Russia
MLK = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Malinda, Kenya
IKR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Irkutsk, Russia
CHM = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Chetumal, Mexico
XXO = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
XXX = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
Example of GLS2010 Islands Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) Advanced Land Imagery (ALI) Entity ID:
EO1 = Satellite
S = Sensor (H=Hyperion A=ALI)
PPP = Target WRS path
RRR = Target WRS row
YYYY = Year of acquisition
DDD = Julian day of acquisition
X (0=off; 1=on) Hyperion
X (0=off; 1=on) ALI
X (0=off; 1=on) AC
M = Pointing mode*
L = Scene length**
GGG = Ground/Receiving Station
VV = Version Number
*Pointing mode
N = Nadir
P = Pointed within path/row
K = Pointed outside path/row
**Scene length
F = Full scene
P = Partial scene
Q = Second partial scene
S = Swath
0 - 9 = Special modes 0 - 9
Remainder of alphabet are EDC collects
- Field Definition: The file size of the working copy or compressed data files.
- Field Definition: Acquisition date of input scenes used for scan gap fill - up to five input scenes - included only for gap-filled products. Applies to GLS2005 and GLS2010 - Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM.
- Field Definition: Percentage of image pixels present after gap-filling. Applies to GLS2005 and GLS2010 - Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM.
- Field Definition: The orientation of the image.
NUP (North Up)
- Field Definition: The product type, processing level, of the image.
- Field Definition: Estimated percentage of scene missing or unusable.
0 - 100
- Field Definition: Acquisition date of scene used for registration - one scene only - included only for gap-filled products. Applies to GLS2005 and GLS2010 - Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM.
- Field Definition: The resampling applied to the scene.
CC = Cubic Convolution
NN = Nearest Neighbor
- Field Definition: The satellite which acquired the data.
Landsat 5
Landsat 7
- Field Definition: The size of all files associated with the scene.
- Field Definition: The sensor that acquired this data.
- Field Definition: The Sun azimuth angle at the "true" WRS scene center. Azimuth is the angle of horizontal deviation, measured clockwise from the north.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees (with 7-digit precision)
NOTE: A positive value (+) indicates angles to the East or clockwise from North; a negative value (-) indicates angles to the
West or counter clockwise from North.
- Field Definition: The Sun elevation angle at the "true" WRS scene center. Elevation is the angle of vertical deviation from the tangent to the earth's surface (at scene center point) to the line between the sun's center and the scene center point. NOTE: The solar zenith angle will be 90 degrees minus the solar elevation angle.
0 through +90.0000000 (with a 7-digit precision)
- Field Definition: A sequence of regularly obtained observations collected over a specific period of time to assist in measuring change of the land surface.
- Field Definition: The WRS-2 Path number associated with the scene.
001 through 233
- Field Definition: The WRS-2 Row number associated with the scene.
001 through 244
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System type 1 or 2
- Field Definition: The UTM zone number associated with the image.
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The date the image was acquired.
- Field Definition: This flag identifies whether or not the entity has a browse image available. A browse image provides the user with a visual overview of an inventory item. The browse image is a subsampled raster image.
Not available for GLS1975 and GLS1990 TM.
Y = Yes
N = No
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – access EarthExplorer.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
- Field Definition: The datum associated with the image.
WGS 84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: This field uniquely identifies the individual landsat scene.
Example of GLS1975 Entity ID: P029R030_5X19901005
P = WRS Path Number; next three characters
ppp = WRS Path number
R = WRS Row Number; next three characters
rrr = WRS Row number
s = Satellite number
X = reserved space for future use
yyyy = Year of acquisition
mm = Month of acquisition
dd = Day of acquisition
Example of GLS1990 Entity ID: P029R030_5X19901005
P = WRS Path Number; next three characters
ppp = WRS Path number
R = WRS Row Number; next three characters
rrr = WRS Row number
s = Satellite number
X = reserved space for future use
yyyy = Year of acquisition
mm = Month of acquisition
dd = Day of acquisition
Example of GLS2000 ETM+ Entity ID: P029R030_7X20001005
P = WRS Path Number; next three characters
ppp = WRS Path number
R = WRS Row Number; next three characters
rrr = WRS Row number
s = Satellite number
X = reserved space for future use
yyyy = Year of acquisition
mm = Month of acquisition
dd = Day of acquisition
Example of GLS2005 Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM Entity ID: LE71770512006259ASN00
L = Landsat
E = ETM+
7 = Satellite number
PPP = Path (WRS-2)
RRR = Row (WRS-2)
YYYY = Four digit-year of acquisition
DDD = Julian date of acquisition
ASN = *Receiving Station
00 = Version number reflecting how many times the scene was processed (0=first time processed, 1= scene reprocessed, etc.)
*AAA = Data held by EROS, North American receiving site unknown
ASA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
ASN = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
FUI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Fucino, Italy (Historical)
GLC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gilmore Creek, AK, US
HOA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Hobart, Australia
KIS = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Kiruna, Sweden
MTI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Matera, Italy
EDC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
PAC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Prince Albert, Canada
GNC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gatineau, Canada
LGS = Data held by EROS, Landsat 5 data acquired by EROS beginning July 1, 2001
MOR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Moscow, Russia
MLK = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Malinda, Kenya
IKR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Irkutsk, Russia
CHM = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Chetumal, Mexico
XXO = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
XXX = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
Example of GLS2005 Islands Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) Advanced Land Imagery (ALI) Entity ID:
EO1 = Satellite
S = Sensor (H=Hyperion A=ALI)
PPP = Target WRS path
RRR = Target WRS row
YYYY = Year of acquisition
DDD = Julian day of acquisition
X (0=off; 1=on) Hyperion
X (0=off; 1=on) ALI
X (0=off; 1=on) AC
M = Pointing mode*
L = Scene length**
GGG = Ground/Receiving Station
VV = Version Number
*Pointing mode
N = Nadir
P = Pointed within path/row
K = Pointed outside path/row
**Scene length
F = Full scene
P = Partial scene
Q = Second partial scene
S = Swath
0 - 9 = Special modes 0 - 9
Remainder of alphabet are EDC collects
Example of GLS2010 Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM Entity ID: LE71760252010159MOR00
L = Landsat
E = ETM+
7 = Satellite number
PPP = Path (WRS-2)
RRR = Row (WRS-2)
YYYY = Four digit-year of acquisition
DDD = Julian date of acquisition
MOR = *Receiving Station
00 = Version number reflecting how many times the scene was processed (0=first time processed, 1= scene reprocessed, etc.)
*AAA = Data held by EROS, North American receiving site unknown
ASA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
ASN = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Alice Springs, Australia
FUI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Fucino, Italy (Historical)
GLC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gilmore Creek, AK, US
HOA = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Hobart, Australia
KIS = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Kiruna, Sweden
MTI = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Matera, Italy
EDC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
PAC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Prince Albert, Canada
GNC = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Gatineau, Canada
LGS = Data held by EROS, Landsat 5 data acquired by EROS beginning July 1, 2001
MOR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Moscow, Russia
MLK = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Malinda, Kenya
IKR = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Irkutsk, Russia
CHM = Data held by EROS, Receiving station, Chetumal, Mexico
XXO = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
XXX = Data held by EROS, Receiving station unknown
Example of GLS2010 Islands Earth Observing 1 (EO-1) Advanced Land Imagery (ALI) Entity ID:
EO1 = Satellite
S = Sensor (H=Hyperion A=ALI)
PPP = Target WRS path
RRR = Target WRS row
YYYY = Year of acquisition
DDD = Julian day of acquisition
X (0=off; 1=on) Hyperion
X (0=off; 1=on) ALI
X (0=off; 1=on) AC
M = Pointing mode*
L = Scene length**
GGG = Ground/Receiving Station
VV = Version Number
*Pointing mode
N = Nadir
P = Pointed within path/row
K = Pointed outside path/row
**Scene length
F = Full scene
P = Partial scene
Q = Second partial scene
S = Swath
0 - 9 = Special modes 0 - 9
Remainder of alphabet are EDC collects
- Field Definition: The file size of the working copy or compressed data files.
- Field Definition: Acquisition date of input scenes used for scan gap fill - up to five input scenes - included only for gap-filled products. Applies to GLS2005 and GLS2010 - Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM.
- Field Definition: Percentage of image pixels present after gap-filling. Applies to GLS2005 and GLS2010 - Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM.
- Field Definition: The orientation of the image.
NUP (North Up)
- Field Definition: The product type, processing level, of the image.
- Field Definition: Estimated percentage of scene missing or unusable.
0 - 100
- Field Definition: Acquisition date of scene used for registration - one scene only - included only for gap-filled products. Applies to GLS2005 and GLS2010 - Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 5 TM.
- Field Definition: The resampling applied to the scene.
CC = Cubic Convolution
NN = Nearest Neighbor
- Field Definition: The satellite which acquired the data.
Landsat 5
Landsat 7
- Field Definition: The size of all files associated with the scene.
- Field Definition: The sensor that acquired this data.
- Field Definition: The Sun azimuth angle at the "true" WRS scene center. Azimuth is the angle of horizontal deviation, measured clockwise from the north.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees (with 7-digit precision)
NOTE: A positive value (+) indicates angles to the East or clockwise from North; a negative value (-) indicates angles to the
West or counter clockwise from North.
- Field Definition: The Sun elevation angle at the "true" WRS scene center. Elevation is the angle of vertical deviation from the tangent to the earth's surface (at scene center point) to the line between the sun's center and the scene center point. NOTE: The solar zenith angle will be 90 degrees minus the solar elevation angle.
0 through +90.0000000 (with a 7-digit precision)
- Field Definition: A sequence of regularly obtained observations collected over a specific period of time to assist in measuring change of the land surface.
- Field Definition: The WRS-2 Path number associated with the scene.
001 through 233
- Field Definition: The WRS-2 Row number associated with the scene.
001 through 244
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System type 1 or 2
- Field Definition: The UTM zone number associated with the image.