Landsat Collection 2 Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: Acquisition Quality is a value, expressed as a single digit number, based on (1) errors encountered during archive processing; and/or (2) visible artifacts in the data when manually inspected.
9 = Excellent (no quality issues or errors detected)
7-8 = Good (minor quality issues and/or errors detected)
- Field Definition: The Bias Parameter File used for processing OLI.
- Field Definition: The Bias Parameter File used for processing TIRS.
- Field Definition: Availability of reduced-resolution browse.
Y = Yes, a browse does exist for this scene
N = No, a browse does not exist for this scene
- Field Definition: The calibration Parameter file used for processing.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collection 2 is organized by a tiered inventory structure to indicate the quality and level of processing of the data.
T1 = Tier 1 is the highest available quality and processing level. This category is suitable for time-series analysis across the different Landsat sensors.
T2 = Tier 2 scenes contain significant cloud cover and have insufficient ground control to generate precision and terrain corrected products.
RT = Real-Time indicates initial processing with additional processing required to achieve Tier 1 or Tier 2.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collections provides a quality controlled selection of radiometrically calibrated and consistently geolocated data with sufficiently geographically aligned pixels to support time series analysis through the full Landsat record.
- Field Definition: The collection type of the image.
Earth Imaging
OLI Lamp
OLI Shutter
OLI Shutter Integration Time Sweep
OLI Solar
OLI Solar Integration Time Sweep
OLI Test Patterns
SSR PN Test Sequence
Side Slither
TIRS Blackbody
TIRS Blackbody Temperature Sweep
TIRS Blackbody Stability
TIRS Deepspace
TIRS Integration Time Sweep
TIRS Test Patterns
- Field Definition: Year, Day of year and GMT when the capture started.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = day of year (001-366)
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute (00-59)
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
h2. Admin: Landsat ETM Mission
h3. Result Metadata: Export
- Field Definition: Contact version number for that RCC data. (Zero represents the first occurrence of the data.)
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: Special sensor condition for Level-1 scene processing.
NO_PCD = Payload Correction Data missing.
NA = None; no special sensor conditions.
- Field Definition: Current data category where the data has been placed.
NOMINAL = Nominal Data
EXCHANGE = Exchange Data
TEST = Test Data
ENGINEERING = Engineering Data
VALIDATION = Validation Data
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create the RCC file
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create Level 0Rp products.
L0RP = L0RP Data
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create the Level-1 product.
L1GS = L1GS Data
L1GT = L1GT Data
L1TP = L1TP Data
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create the Level-2 product.
L2SP = L2 Science Products (SP) Data
L2SR = L2 Surface Reflectance (SR) Data
- Field Definition: Year, month and day that this scene was imaged.
- Field Definition: Acquisition date of the input scenes used for the scan gap fill (comma separated list with a maximum of five input scenes); included only for gap-filled and SLC-Off products.
- Field Definition: All sensors = The most recent date that the Level-1 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: All sensors = The most recent date that the Level-2 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: All sensors = The most recent date that the L0Rp Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: Datum used in creating the image.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: Day or night condition of the scene.
DAY = Day scene
NIGHT = Night scene
- Field Definition: Date and start time for which the data are effective
- Field Definition: Digital elevation dataset that was used to terrain-correct the product.
SRTM = Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
GTOPO30 = Global 30 Arc Second Elevation Digital Data
GLS2000 = Global Land Survey 2000
RAMP = Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project
- Field Definition: Ellipsoid used in creating the image.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: Name of the Mission data file.
- Field Definition: Orbital ephemeris type used.
Definitive = Definitive ephemeris
Predictive = Predictive ephemeris
- Field Definition: Value added to all "x" values in the rectangular coordinates for a map projection. Frequently assigned to eliminate negative numbers. Expressed in the unit of measure identified in Planar Coordinate Unit.
- Field Definition: Value added to all "y" values in the rectangular coordinates for a map projection. Frequently assigned to eliminate negative numbers. Expressed in the unit of measure identified in Planar Coordinate Unit.
- Field Definition: Name of the Mission data file including extension.
- Field Definition: Type of mission date file
- Field Definition: This field indicates if the scene was used for Full Aperture Solar Calibration (FASC).
Y = Scene was used for Full Aperture Solar Calibration
N = Scene was not used for Full Aperture Solar Calibration
- Field Definition: Completeness of a WRS interval
FULL = Full WRS interval
PARTIAL = Partial WRS interval
- Field Definition: Completeness of a WRS Scene.
FULL = Full WRS scene
PARTIAL= Partial WRS scene
- Field Definition: Band gain state of band detected at the start of a WRS scene.
H = Band was acquired in high gain mode
L = Band was acquired in low gain mode
U = Unknown
- Field Definition: The presence and direction of change in detector gain state within the WRS scene.
0 = Indicates no gain change
+ = Indicates change from low to high gain
- = Indicates change from high to low gain
- Field Definition: Percentage of image pixels present after gap-filling. **Included only for gap-filled products.
= NN.N
- Field Definition: Source of ephemeris data from which the gap phase statistic was generated. Used for ETM+ SLC-off data only.
DE = Definitive Ephemeris
PCD = Payload Correction Data
NA = Not Applicable (Scan Line Corrector (SLC)-on data.
- Field Definition: The along-track distance from the center of the closest forward-to-reverse scan gap to the nominal WRS scene center. (NULL only for scan line corrector (SLC)-on data)
-17.000000 through +17.0000000
- Field Definition: Combined RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) in both across-track and along-track directions measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction.
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction.
ETM+ - along-track direction
TM - along-track direction
MSS - sample direction
OLI - across-track direction
TIRS - across-track direction
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction.
ETM+ - across-track direction
TM - across-track direction
MSS - line direction
OLI - along-track direction
TIRS - along-track direction
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (pixels) in both line and sample directions measured on the terrain-corrected product independently using GLS2000.
= 0.000-9999.999
- Field Definition: Grid cell size used in creating the image for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size used in creating the image for the reflective band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size used in creating the image for the thermal band.
- Field Definition: The number of ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1 to 1615 (- 1 = not available)
- Field Definition: The version number of the ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1, 1, 2, 3, etc. (-1 = not available)
- Field Definition: Composite image quality for the bands. For Landsat 8 or 9, if scene is OLI or OLI_TIRS combined, value will reflect OLI quality score. If TIRS, the TIRS quality score will be used
9 = Best
0 = Worst
-1 = Image quality not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: A single digit number that represents an image quality value used by the Landsat 7 Processing System (LPS). Image Quality 1 represents quality for format 1 (bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6l) and Image Quality 2 represents quality for format 2 (bands 6h, 7 and 8). Values for each format can range from 0 - 9.
The image quality is based on the number and distribution of bad scans or equivalent bad scans in a scene. It is computed by dividing the total number of filled minor frames for a scene by 6313 (the nominal number of image data minor frames in a major frame for 30 meter bands). This will give a number of equivalent bad scans. The distribution of filled minor frames is characterized as being either clustered or scattered. A cluster of 128 bad scans will still yield a scene with a cluster of 246 good scans which is two-thirds of a scene. A scattering of 128 bad scans may make the entire image worthless.
VCID = Virtual Channel Identifier
Value for Image Quality:
9 = No errors detected, a perfect scene
8 = Less than or equal to 4 equivalent bad scans, clustered
7 = Less than or equal to 4 equivalent bad scans, scattered
6 = Less than or equal to 16 equivalent bad scans, clustered
5 = Less than or equal to 16 equivalent bad scans, scattered
4 = Less than or equal to 64 equivalent bad scans, clustered
3 = Less than or equal to 64 equivalent bad scans, scattered
2 = Less than or equal to 128 equivalent bad scans, clustered
1 = Less than or equal to 128 equivalent bad scans, scattered
0 = Greater than 128 equivalent bad scans, scattered (more than 33% of scene is bad)
-1 = Image quality not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: All sensors = Cloud coverage over land (percent) assigned to a WRS scene.
-1 = Cloud cover land not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: Landsat Interval Identifier
L | Landsat |
X | Sensor (T = TIRS, O = OLI, C = OLI_TIRS) |
S | Satellite |
PPP | WRS Path |
RRRRRR | WRS Interval Start and End Row |
YYYY | Year of Acquisition |
JJJ | Day of Acquisition Year |
GSI | Ground Station Identifier |
VV | Version |
Example: LC80680110202016059LGN00
- Field Definition: The naming convention of Collection 2 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L | Landsat |
X | Sensor (C = Combined OLI/TIRS, T = TIRS-only (if Landsat 8 or higher), T = TM (if Landsat 4-5), O = OLI-only, E = ETM, M = MSS) |
SS | Satellite (09 = Landsat 9, 08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, … 01 = Landsat 1) |
LLLL | Processing Correction Level (L1TP = precision and terrain, L1GT = systematic terrain, L1GS = systematic) |
PPP | WRS Path |
RRR | WRS Row |
YYYYMMDD | Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
yyyymmdd | Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
CC | Collection Number (02) |
TX | Collection Category (RT = Real Time, T1 = Tier 1, T2 = Tier 2) |
Example: LE07_L1TP_040033_19990929_20190822_02_T1
- Field Definition: The naming convention of Collection 2 Level-2 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L | Landsat |
X | Sensor (C = Combined OLI/TIRS, T = TIRS-only (if Landsat 8 or higher), T = TM (if Landsat 4-5), O = OLI-only, E = ETM, M = MSS) |
SS | Satellite (09 = Landsat 9, 08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, … 01 = Landsat 1) |
LLLL | Processing Correction Level (L2SP = Level-2 Science Product - includes Surface Temperature (ST) and Surface Reflectance (SR), L2SR = Level-2 Surface Reflectance (SR)) |
PPP | WRS Path |
RRR | WRS Row |
YYYYMMDD | Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
yyyymmdd | Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
CC | Collection Number (02) |
TX | Collection Category (RT = Real Time, T1 = Tier 1, T2 = Tier 2) |
Example: LE07_L1SP_029030_20140715_20140805_02_T1
- Field Definition: Landsat scene identifier.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (T = TIRS, O = OLI, C = OLI_TIRS)
S = Satellite
PPP = WRS Path
YYYY = Year of Acquisition
DDD = Day of Acquisition Year
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Version
- Field Definition: Unique MOE interval identifier
000000 = six-digit orbit number
SS = two-digit sequence of interval within that orbit
T = one-character indicating the type of interval
- Field Definition: Nadir or Off-Nadir condition of the interval or scene.
- Field Definition: Orientation used in creating the image.
NOMINAL = Nominal Path
NORTH_UP = North Up
TRUE_NORTH = True North
USER = User
- Field Definition: Output format of the image.
GEOTIFF = Geostationary Earth Orbit Tagged Image File Format
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Name and version of the processing software used to generate products.
- Field Definition: L0Ra map projection selectively applied to HDTs based on geographic location. Used for processed archive data.
HOM = Hotine Oblique Mercator
UTM = Universal Transverse Mercator
- Field Definition: L1 map projection applied to this data. Used for processed archive data.
PS = Polar Stereographic
UTM = Universal Transverse Merc
- Field Definition: L2 map projection applied to this data. Used for processed archive data.
PS = Polar Stereographic
UTM = Universal Transverse Merc
- Field Definition: Capture source or AQPSK channel of the raw data file
0-9 = Frequency.
I = I channel (in-phase signal component)
Q = Q channel (quadrature signal component)
- Field Definition: Quality band is a value, expressed as a single digit number, based on (1) errors encountered during archive processing; and/or (2) visible artifacts in the data when manually inspected.
9 = Excellent (no quality issues or errors detected)
7-8 = Good (minor quality issues and/or errors detected)
5-6 = Fair (moderate quality issues and/or errors detected)
3-4 = Poor (significant quality issues and/or errors detected)
1-2 = Extremely Poor (severe quality issues and/or errors detected)
0 = Worst
M = Band is missing
U = Band has an unknown quality score (expected but insufficient information)
- Field Definition: RCC file name that produced this interval.
- Field Definition: RCC File Version number for that RCC data.
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Resampling option used in creating the image.
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = Nearest Neighbor
CUBIC_CONVOLUTION = Cubic Convolution
MODULATION_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = Modulation Transfer Function
BILINEAR = Bilinear
KAISER DAMPED = Kaiser Damped
16_POINT_SINC = 16-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
8_POINT_SINC = 8-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
DAMPED_WINDOW = Damped Window
- Field Definition: Fill in
- Field Definition: Name of the Response Linearization Lookup Table file used to create the image.
- Field Definition: The amount of spacecraft roll at scene center. Positive roll is to the port side of the spacecraft and the negative roll is to the starboard side. A non-zero value indicates an off nadir acquisition.
-90.0000 through +90.00000
- Field Definition: Specific Landsat vehicle number used to capture this acquisition.
1 = Landsat satellite #1
2 = Landsat satellite #2
3 = Landsat satellite #3
4 = Landsat satellite #4
5 = Landsat satellite #5
7 = Landsat satellite #7
8 = Landsat satellite #8
9 = Landsat satellite #9
- Field Definition: Maximum scan gap width (in units of ETM+ 30-m detectors/pixels) filled by interpolation.
- Field Definition: All Landsat 7 scenes collected since May 30, 2003 have data gaps due to the Scan Line Corrector (SLC) failure. Landsat 7 scenes acquired after this date are categorized as SLC-OFF.
SLC-OFF (2003-present)
SLC-ON (1999-2003)
- Field Definition: Spacecraft time associated with the center of a WRS scene center scan.
- Field Definition: Number of seconds from epoch time of 1995 at midnight.
1 - 999999999999
- Field Definition: Cloud coverage (percent) of a WRS scene.
0.00 - 100.00
-1 = Cloud cover not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: Cloud coverage (percent) of a WRS scene.
0.00 - 100.00
-1 = Cloud cover not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: Signal processing prior to transmission from satellite to ground station.
COMPRESSED = Compressed mode used to acquire the first 3 bands; the remaining bands are acquired in a linear mode
LINEAR = Linear mode used to acquire all bands
U = Unknown
- Field Definition: Source that this version of the scene is stored.
LAM = Landsat Archive Manager
DLT = Digital Linear Tape
HDT = High Density Tape
FILM = Film
DCT = Digital Cassette Tape
- Field Definition: Orderability status of either the Digital ID.s archive source, Film archive source, or LAM archive source.
G = Good source archived at EROS
X = Archive data unavailable at EROS; only problem/bad data sources exist
S = Archive data not currently in orderable status; they are in a spare status.
Another marketable instance of this scene exists. Multiple records for a new_scene_id can be in 'S' status
L = Archive data at status .S. or .G. that has been processed by LACS
C = Archive data at status .X. that has been processed by LACS
- Field Definition: Source that this version of the scene is stored.
ASCENDING_DESCENDING = Ascending/Descending problem Landsat 4/5 coordinates recalculated for descending.
BAND_4_NOT_DECOMPRESSED = Band 4 is not decompressed = dynamic range of 0 - 64.
Affects only the first few months of Landsat 4, band 4 acquisitions.
BUMPER_MODE = Landsat 5 or Landsat 7 scene acquired while the satellite was in bumper mode.
Landsat 5 was permanently placed into bumper mode May 1, 2002.
Landsat 7 was permanently placed into bumper mode April 1, 2007.
LINE_START_ANOMALY = Line Start Anomaly (Landsat 3 only); up to one third of the image data is missing; quality ratings based on image data present.
N = No sensor anomaly exists.
- Field Definition: Sensor used to capture Landsat 8 data.
OLI = Operational Land Imager
TIRS = Thermal Infrared
OLI_TIRS = Operational Land Imager (OLI)/Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS)
- Field Definition: Mode that the sensor was in during capture of this interval.
BUMPER = Bumper mode
SAM = SAM (Scan Angle Monitor) mode
- Field Definition: Identifies whether data were generated from the MODIS Aqua satellite, MODIS Terra satellite, or both.
- Field Definition: Year, Day of year and GMT spacecraft start time of either the first major frame of the interval or the start of a WRS scene.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: Original ground receiving station to which this data was downlinked. All data received from ground stations are archived at the USGS EROS unless otherwise noted. Maps showing these stations can be found at
AAA = North America receiving site unknown
AA0 = North America receiving site unknown
ABG = Awutu Bawjiase, Ghana
ABN = Abuja, Nigeria
AGS = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
ASA = Alice Springs, Australia
ASK = Astana, Kazakhstan
ASN = Alice Springs, Australia
ATG = Atlanta, Georgia, USA (test site)
AWE = Aswan, Egypt
BIK = Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
BJC = Beijing, China
BKT = Bangkok, Thailand
BOC = Bogatá, Colombia
CBA = Canberra, Australia
CHM = Chetumal, Mexico
CLT = Chung-Li, Taiwan
CNB = Cuiabá, Brazil
COA = Còrdoba, Argentina
CPE = Cotopaxi, Ecuador
CUB = Cuiabá, Brazil
DJK = Daejeon, Korea
DKI = Parepare, Indonesia
DUB = Dubai, United Arab Emirates
DVU = Dunaivtsi, Ukraine
DWA = Darwin, Australia
EDC = Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA (aka LGS)
EV1 = Eagle Vision 1
EV3 = Eagle Vision 3
EV4 = Eagle Vision 4
FAK = Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
FFF = Foreign (non-North American) Receiving Site
FUI = Fucino, Italy
GDS = Goldstone, California, USA
GLC = Gilmore Creek, Alaska, USA
GMD = Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
GNC = Gatineau, Canada
HAJ = Hatoyama, Japan
HCA = Datron testing in California, USA
HIJ = Hiroshima, Japan
HCV = Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
HLV = Hoa Lac, Vietnam
HNV = Hanoi, Vietnam
HOA = Hobart, Australia
IKR = Irkutsk, Russia
ISP = Islamabad, Pakistan
IVC = Inuvik, Canada
JSA = Hartebeesthoek, South Africa (aka Johannesburg)
KHC = KaShi, China
KIS = Kiruna, Sweden
KLM = Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
KMC = Kunming, China
KUJ = Kumamoto, Japan
LBG = Libreville, Gabon
LGN = Landsat Ground Network (Landsat 8)
LGS = Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA (aka EDC)
LUZ = Lusaka, Zambia
MCM = Mexico City, Mexico
MGR = Magadan, Russia
MGS = McMurdo, Antarctica
MLK = Malindi, Kenya
MOR = Moscow, Russia
MPF = Montpelier, France
MPS = Maspalomas, Spain
MTI = Matera, Italy
NOK = Norman, Oklahoma, USA
NPA = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP1 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP2 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP3 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP4 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP5 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NRK = Nairobi, Kenya
NSG = Neustrelitz, Germany
NSN = Neustrelitz, Germany
NWN = Noordwijk, Netherlands
OHA = O’Higgins, Antarctica
PAC = Prince Albert, Canada
PFS = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
PF1 = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
PF2 = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
PUC = Punto Arenas, Chile
RPI = Rumpin, Indonesia
RSA = Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
SAC = Santiago, Chile
SEK = Seoul, South, Korea
SGI = Shadnagar, India
SGP = Singapore
SGS = Svalbard, Norway
SG1 = Svalbard, Norway
SNC = SanYa, China
SRT = Si Racha, Thailand
TFT = Taipei, Taiwan (fix Location)
TGS = Transportable Ground Station
TMT = Taipei, Taiwan (mobile location)
TOF = Toulouse, France
UHI = Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
ULK = Ulsan, South Korea
ULM = Ulan Bator, Mongolia
UPR = Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
WPS = Wallops Island, Virginia, USA
XX0 = Receiving station unknown
XXX = Receiving station unknown
- Field Definition: Year, Day of year and GMT spacecraft stop time of either the last major frame of the interval or the stop of a WRS scene.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L1 product. A positive (+) value indicates angles to the East or clockwise from geographic North. Zero (0) indicates geographic North. A negative (-) value indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from geographic North.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L0Ra scene. A positive (+) value indicates angles to the East or clockwise from geographic North. Zero (0) indicates geographic North. A negative (-) value indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from geographic North.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L1 product. A positive (+) value indicates a daytime scene. Zero (0) or a negative (-) value indicates a nighttime scene.
- 90.0000000 through + 90.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L0Ra scene. A positive (+) value indicates a daytime scene. Zero (0) or a negative (-) value indicates a nighttime scene.
- 90.0000000 through + 90.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS path to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001 - 251
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS Row to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001-059 = Northern Hemisphere (Descending)
060 = Equator (Descending)
061-119 = Southern Hemisphere (Descending)
120-122 = Southern Polar Zone (Descending)
123-183 = Southern Hemisphere (Ascending)
184 = Equator (Ascending)
185-246 = Northern Hemisphere (Ascending)
247-248 = Northern Polar Zone (Descending)
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: Due to an anomalous condition on the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Scene Select Mirror (SSM) encoder electronics, this field has been added to indicate which model was used to process the data.
Actual = The actual measured SSM position determined from the SSM encoder telemetry was used to process the TIRS data. This is the best TIRS quality available.
Preliminary = Initial estimated SSM position information was used to process the data and reprocessing will occur once SSM encoder telemetry are available.
Final = The TIRS data was reprocessed with updated SSM encoder telemetry.
- Field Definition: Latitude of true scale in a map projectio
- Field Definition: degrees per pixel along the longitude
- Field Definition: degrees per pixel along the latitude
- Field Definition: UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone number in a map projection. A negative zone indicates that the false northing needs to be applied to the northing coordinate and a positive zone indicates that the false northing has been applied.
Negative Zone = Indicates that the false northing needs to be applied.
Positive Zone = Indicates that the false northing has been applied.
- Field Definition: Vertical longitude (decimal degrees) from the pole. Only present when MAP_PROJECTION is PS.
- Field Definition: WRS which applies to the acquisition.
1 = Landsat Satellites 1, 2, 3
2 = Landsat Satellites 4, 5, 7, 8
- Field Definition: Starting (orbital) WRS row number for the first reported scene, whether full or partial, included in this interval. For non-earth imaging intervals, the value is the same as earth imaging intervals.
000 for non-earth imaging (calibration) intervals 001-248 for WRS1 and WRS2
- Field Definition: WRS - defined nominal Landsat satellite track (path). (orbital)
- Field Definition: WRS-defined nominal Landsat satellite row. (orbital)
001 - 248
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System type 1 or 2
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: Acquisition Quality is a value, expressed as a single digit number, based on (1) errors encountered during archive processing; and/or (2) visible artifacts in the data when manually inspected.
9 = Excellent (no quality issues or errors detected)
7-8 = Good (minor quality issues and/or errors detected)
- Field Definition: The Bias Parameter File used for processing OLI.
- Field Definition: The Bias Parameter File used for processing TIRS.
- Field Definition: Availability of reduced-resolution browse.
Y = Yes, a browse does exist for this scene
N = No, a browse does not exist for this scene
- Field Definition: The calibration Parameter file used for processing.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collection 2 is organized by a tiered inventory structure to indicate the quality and level of processing of the data.
T1 = Tier 1 is the highest available quality and processing level. This category is suitable for time-series analysis across the different Landsat sensors.
T2 = Tier 2 scenes contain significant cloud cover and have insufficient ground control to generate precision and terrain corrected products.
RT = Real-Time indicates initial processing with additional processing required to achieve Tier 1 or Tier 2.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collections provides a quality controlled selection of radiometrically calibrated and consistently geolocated data with sufficiently geographically aligned pixels to support time series analysis through the full Landsat record.
- Field Definition: The collection type of the image.
Earth Imaging
OLI Lamp
OLI Shutter
OLI Shutter Integration Time Sweep
OLI Solar
OLI Solar Integration Time Sweep
OLI Test Patterns
SSR PN Test Sequence
Side Slither
TIRS Blackbody
TIRS Blackbody Temperature Sweep
TIRS Blackbody Stability
TIRS Deepspace
TIRS Integration Time Sweep
TIRS Test Patterns
- Field Definition: Year, Day of year and GMT when the capture started.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = day of year (001-366)
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute (00-59)
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
h2. Admin: Landsat ETM Mission
h3. Result Metadata: Export
- Field Definition: Contact version number for that RCC data. (Zero represents the first occurrence of the data.)
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: Special sensor condition for Level-1 scene processing.
NO_PCD = Payload Correction Data missing.
NA = None; no special sensor conditions.
- Field Definition: Current data category where the data has been placed.
NOMINAL = Nominal Data
EXCHANGE = Exchange Data
TEST = Test Data
ENGINEERING = Engineering Data
VALIDATION = Validation Data
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create the RCC file
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create Level 0Rp products.
L0RP = L0RP Data
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create the Level-1 product.
L1GS = L1GS Data
L1GT = L1GT Data
L1TP = L1TP Data
- Field Definition: Data type identifier string used to create the Level-2 product.
L2SP = L2 Science Products (SP) Data
L2SR = L2 Surface Reflectance (SR) Data
- Field Definition: Year, month and day that this scene was imaged.
- Field Definition: Acquisition date of the input scenes used for the scan gap fill (comma separated list with a maximum of five input scenes); included only for gap-filled and SLC-Off products.
- Field Definition: All sensors = The most recent date that the Level-1 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: All sensors = The most recent date that the Level-2 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: All sensors = The most recent date that the L0Rp Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: Datum used in creating the image.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: Day or night condition of the scene.
DAY = Day scene
NIGHT = Night scene
- Field Definition: Date and start time for which the data are effective
- Field Definition: Digital elevation dataset that was used to terrain-correct the product.
SRTM = Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
GTOPO30 = Global 30 Arc Second Elevation Digital Data
GLS2000 = Global Land Survey 2000
RAMP = Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project
- Field Definition: Ellipsoid used in creating the image.
WGS84 = World Geodetic System 1984
- Field Definition: Name of the Mission data file.
- Field Definition: Orbital ephemeris type used.
Definitive = Definitive ephemeris
Predictive = Predictive ephemeris
- Field Definition: Value added to all "x" values in the rectangular coordinates for a map projection. Frequently assigned to eliminate negative numbers. Expressed in the unit of measure identified in Planar Coordinate Unit.
- Field Definition: Value added to all "y" values in the rectangular coordinates for a map projection. Frequently assigned to eliminate negative numbers. Expressed in the unit of measure identified in Planar Coordinate Unit.
- Field Definition: Name of the Mission data file including extension.
- Field Definition: Type of mission date file
- Field Definition: This field indicates if the scene was used for Full Aperture Solar Calibration (FASC).
Y = Scene was used for Full Aperture Solar Calibration
N = Scene was not used for Full Aperture Solar Calibration
- Field Definition: Completeness of a WRS interval
FULL = Full WRS interval
PARTIAL = Partial WRS interval
- Field Definition: Completeness of a WRS Scene.
FULL = Full WRS scene
PARTIAL= Partial WRS scene
- Field Definition: Band gain state of band detected at the start of a WRS scene.
H = Band was acquired in high gain mode
L = Band was acquired in low gain mode
U = Unknown
- Field Definition: The presence and direction of change in detector gain state within the WRS scene.
0 = Indicates no gain change
+ = Indicates change from low to high gain
- = Indicates change from high to low gain
- Field Definition: Percentage of image pixels present after gap-filling. **Included only for gap-filled products.
= NN.N
- Field Definition: Source of ephemeris data from which the gap phase statistic was generated. Used for ETM+ SLC-off data only.
DE = Definitive Ephemeris
PCD = Payload Correction Data
NA = Not Applicable (Scan Line Corrector (SLC)-on data.
- Field Definition: The along-track distance from the center of the closest forward-to-reverse scan gap to the nominal WRS scene center. (NULL only for scan line corrector (SLC)-on data)
-17.000000 through +17.0000000
- Field Definition: Combined RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) in both across-track and along-track directions measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction.
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction.
ETM+ - along-track direction
TM - along-track direction
MSS - sample direction
OLI - across-track direction
TIRS - across-track direction
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (meters) measured on the GCPs used in geometric precision correction.
ETM+ - across-track direction
TM - across-track direction
MSS - line direction
OLI - along-track direction
TIRS - along-track direction
- Field Definition: RMSE of the geometric residuals (pixels) in both line and sample directions measured on the terrain-corrected product independently using GLS2000.
= 0.000-9999.999
- Field Definition: Grid cell size used in creating the image for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size used in creating the image for the reflective band.
- Field Definition: Grid cell size used in creating the image for the thermal band.
- Field Definition: The number of ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1 to 1615 (- 1 = not available)
- Field Definition: The version number of the ground control points used in the verification of the terrain corrected product.
-1, 1, 2, 3, etc. (-1 = not available)
- Field Definition: Composite image quality for the bands. For Landsat 8 or 9, if scene is OLI or OLI_TIRS combined, value will reflect OLI quality score. If TIRS, the TIRS quality score will be used
9 = Best
0 = Worst
-1 = Image quality not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: A single digit number that represents an image quality value used by the Landsat 7 Processing System (LPS). Image Quality 1 represents quality for format 1 (bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6l) and Image Quality 2 represents quality for format 2 (bands 6h, 7 and 8). Values for each format can range from 0 - 9.
The image quality is based on the number and distribution of bad scans or equivalent bad scans in a scene. It is computed by dividing the total number of filled minor frames for a scene by 6313 (the nominal number of image data minor frames in a major frame for 30 meter bands). This will give a number of equivalent bad scans. The distribution of filled minor frames is characterized as being either clustered or scattered. A cluster of 128 bad scans will still yield a scene with a cluster of 246 good scans which is two-thirds of a scene. A scattering of 128 bad scans may make the entire image worthless.
VCID = Virtual Channel Identifier
Value for Image Quality:
9 = No errors detected, a perfect scene
8 = Less than or equal to 4 equivalent bad scans, clustered
7 = Less than or equal to 4 equivalent bad scans, scattered
6 = Less than or equal to 16 equivalent bad scans, clustered
5 = Less than or equal to 16 equivalent bad scans, scattered
4 = Less than or equal to 64 equivalent bad scans, clustered
3 = Less than or equal to 64 equivalent bad scans, scattered
2 = Less than or equal to 128 equivalent bad scans, clustered
1 = Less than or equal to 128 equivalent bad scans, scattered
0 = Greater than 128 equivalent bad scans, scattered (more than 33% of scene is bad)
-1 = Image quality not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: All sensors = Cloud coverage over land (percent) assigned to a WRS scene.
-1 = Cloud cover land not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: Landsat Interval Identifier
L | Landsat |
X | Sensor (T = TIRS, O = OLI, C = OLI_TIRS) |
S | Satellite |
PPP | WRS Path |
RRRRRR | WRS Interval Start and End Row |
YYYY | Year of Acquisition |
JJJ | Day of Acquisition Year |
GSI | Ground Station Identifier |
VV | Version |
Example: LC80680110202016059LGN00
- Field Definition: The naming convention of Collection 2 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L | Landsat |
X | Sensor (C = Combined OLI/TIRS, T = TIRS-only (if Landsat 8 or higher), T = TM (if Landsat 4-5), O = OLI-only, E = ETM, M = MSS) |
SS | Satellite (09 = Landsat 9, 08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, … 01 = Landsat 1) |
LLLL | Processing Correction Level (L1TP = precision and terrain, L1GT = systematic terrain, L1GS = systematic) |
PPP | WRS Path |
RRR | WRS Row |
YYYYMMDD | Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
yyyymmdd | Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
CC | Collection Number (02) |
TX | Collection Category (RT = Real Time, T1 = Tier 1, T2 = Tier 2) |
Example: LE07_L1TP_040033_19990929_20190822_02_T1
- Field Definition: The naming convention of Collection 2 Level-2 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L | Landsat |
X | Sensor (C = Combined OLI/TIRS, T = TIRS-only (if Landsat 8 or higher), T = TM (if Landsat 4-5), O = OLI-only, E = ETM, M = MSS) |
SS | Satellite (09 = Landsat 9, 08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, … 01 = Landsat 1) |
LLLL | Processing Correction Level (L2SP = Level-2 Science Product - includes Surface Temperature (ST) and Surface Reflectance (SR), L2SR = Level-2 Surface Reflectance (SR)) |
PPP | WRS Path |
RRR | WRS Row |
YYYYMMDD | Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
yyyymmdd | Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day |
CC | Collection Number (02) |
TX | Collection Category (RT = Real Time, T1 = Tier 1, T2 = Tier 2) |
Example: LE07_L1SP_029030_20140715_20140805_02_T1
- Field Definition: Landsat scene identifier.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (T = TIRS, O = OLI, C = OLI_TIRS)
S = Satellite
PPP = WRS Path
YYYY = Year of Acquisition
DDD = Day of Acquisition Year
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Version
- Field Definition: Unique MOE interval identifier
000000 = six-digit orbit number
SS = two-digit sequence of interval within that orbit
T = one-character indicating the type of interval
- Field Definition: Nadir or Off-Nadir condition of the interval or scene.
- Field Definition: Orientation used in creating the image.
NOMINAL = Nominal Path
NORTH_UP = North Up
TRUE_NORTH = True North
USER = User
- Field Definition: Output format of the image.
GEOTIFF = Geostationary Earth Orbit Tagged Image File Format
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the panchromatic band.
- Field Definition: Name and version of the processing software used to generate products.
- Field Definition: L0Ra map projection selectively applied to HDTs based on geographic location. Used for processed archive data.
HOM = Hotine Oblique Mercator
UTM = Universal Transverse Mercator
- Field Definition: L1 map projection applied to this data. Used for processed archive data.
PS = Polar Stereographic
UTM = Universal Transverse Merc
- Field Definition: L2 map projection applied to this data. Used for processed archive data.
PS = Polar Stereographic
UTM = Universal Transverse Merc
- Field Definition: Capture source or AQPSK channel of the raw data file
0-9 = Frequency.
I = I channel (in-phase signal component)
Q = Q channel (quadrature signal component)
- Field Definition: Quality band is a value, expressed as a single digit number, based on (1) errors encountered during archive processing; and/or (2) visible artifacts in the data when manually inspected.
9 = Excellent (no quality issues or errors detected)
7-8 = Good (minor quality issues and/or errors detected)
5-6 = Fair (moderate quality issues and/or errors detected)
3-4 = Poor (significant quality issues and/or errors detected)
1-2 = Extremely Poor (severe quality issues and/or errors detected)
0 = Worst
M = Band is missing
U = Band has an unknown quality score (expected but insufficient information)
- Field Definition: RCC file name that produced this interval.
- Field Definition: RCC File Version number for that RCC data.
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the reflective bands.
- Field Definition: Resampling option used in creating the image.
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = Nearest Neighbor
CUBIC_CONVOLUTION = Cubic Convolution
MODULATION_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = Modulation Transfer Function
BILINEAR = Bilinear
KAISER DAMPED = Kaiser Damped
16_POINT_SINC = 16-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
8_POINT_SINC = 8-point sinc (sin(x)/(x)
DAMPED_WINDOW = Damped Window
- Field Definition: Fill in
- Field Definition: Name of the Response Linearization Lookup Table file used to create the image.
- Field Definition: The amount of spacecraft roll at scene center. Positive roll is to the port side of the spacecraft and the negative roll is to the starboard side. A non-zero value indicates an off nadir acquisition.
-90.0000 through +90.00000
- Field Definition: Specific Landsat vehicle number used to capture this acquisition.
1 = Landsat satellite #1
2 = Landsat satellite #2
3 = Landsat satellite #3
4 = Landsat satellite #4
5 = Landsat satellite #5
7 = Landsat satellite #7
8 = Landsat satellite #8
9 = Landsat satellite #9
- Field Definition: Maximum scan gap width (in units of ETM+ 30-m detectors/pixels) filled by interpolation.
- Field Definition: All Landsat 7 scenes collected since May 30, 2003 have data gaps due to the Scan Line Corrector (SLC) failure. Landsat 7 scenes acquired after this date are categorized as SLC-OFF.
SLC-OFF (2003-present)
SLC-ON (1999-2003)
- Field Definition: Spacecraft time associated with the center of a WRS scene center scan.
- Field Definition: Number of seconds from epoch time of 1995 at midnight.
1 - 999999999999
- Field Definition: Cloud coverage (percent) of a WRS scene.
0.00 - 100.00
-1 = Cloud cover not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: Cloud coverage (percent) of a WRS scene.
0.00 - 100.00
-1 = Cloud cover not calculated or assessed
- Field Definition: Signal processing prior to transmission from satellite to ground station.
COMPRESSED = Compressed mode used to acquire the first 3 bands; the remaining bands are acquired in a linear mode
LINEAR = Linear mode used to acquire all bands
U = Unknown
- Field Definition: Source that this version of the scene is stored.
LAM = Landsat Archive Manager
DLT = Digital Linear Tape
HDT = High Density Tape
FILM = Film
DCT = Digital Cassette Tape
- Field Definition: Orderability status of either the Digital ID.s archive source, Film archive source, or LAM archive source.
G = Good source archived at EROS
X = Archive data unavailable at EROS; only problem/bad data sources exist
S = Archive data not currently in orderable status; they are in a spare status.
Another marketable instance of this scene exists. Multiple records for a new_scene_id can be in 'S' status
L = Archive data at status .S. or .G. that has been processed by LACS
C = Archive data at status .X. that has been processed by LACS
- Field Definition: Source that this version of the scene is stored.
ASCENDING_DESCENDING = Ascending/Descending problem Landsat 4/5 coordinates recalculated for descending.
BAND_4_NOT_DECOMPRESSED = Band 4 is not decompressed = dynamic range of 0 - 64.
Affects only the first few months of Landsat 4, band 4 acquisitions.
BUMPER_MODE = Landsat 5 or Landsat 7 scene acquired while the satellite was in bumper mode.
Landsat 5 was permanently placed into bumper mode May 1, 2002.
Landsat 7 was permanently placed into bumper mode April 1, 2007.
LINE_START_ANOMALY = Line Start Anomaly (Landsat 3 only); up to one third of the image data is missing; quality ratings based on image data present.
N = No sensor anomaly exists.
- Field Definition: Sensor used to capture Landsat 8 data.
OLI = Operational Land Imager
TIRS = Thermal Infrared
OLI_TIRS = Operational Land Imager (OLI)/Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS)
- Field Definition: Mode that the sensor was in during capture of this interval.
BUMPER = Bumper mode
SAM = SAM (Scan Angle Monitor) mode
- Field Definition: Identifies whether data were generated from the MODIS Aqua satellite, MODIS Terra satellite, or both.
- Field Definition: Year, Day of year and GMT spacecraft start time of either the first major frame of the interval or the start of a WRS scene.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: Original ground receiving station to which this data was downlinked. All data received from ground stations are archived at the USGS EROS unless otherwise noted. Maps showing these stations can be found at
AAA = North America receiving site unknown
AA0 = North America receiving site unknown
ABG = Awutu Bawjiase, Ghana
ABN = Abuja, Nigeria
AGS = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
ASA = Alice Springs, Australia
ASK = Astana, Kazakhstan
ASN = Alice Springs, Australia
ATG = Atlanta, Georgia, USA (test site)
AWE = Aswan, Egypt
BIK = Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
BJC = Beijing, China
BKT = Bangkok, Thailand
BOC = Bogatá, Colombia
CBA = Canberra, Australia
CHM = Chetumal, Mexico
CLT = Chung-Li, Taiwan
CNB = Cuiabá, Brazil
COA = Còrdoba, Argentina
CPE = Cotopaxi, Ecuador
CUB = Cuiabá, Brazil
DJK = Daejeon, Korea
DKI = Parepare, Indonesia
DUB = Dubai, United Arab Emirates
DVU = Dunaivtsi, Ukraine
DWA = Darwin, Australia
EDC = Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA (aka LGS)
EV1 = Eagle Vision 1
EV3 = Eagle Vision 3
EV4 = Eagle Vision 4
FAK = Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
FFF = Foreign (non-North American) Receiving Site
FUI = Fucino, Italy
GDS = Goldstone, California, USA
GLC = Gilmore Creek, Alaska, USA
GMD = Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
GNC = Gatineau, Canada
HAJ = Hatoyama, Japan
HCA = Datron testing in California, USA
HIJ = Hiroshima, Japan
HCV = Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
HLV = Hoa Lac, Vietnam
HNV = Hanoi, Vietnam
HOA = Hobart, Australia
IKR = Irkutsk, Russia
ISP = Islamabad, Pakistan
IVC = Inuvik, Canada
JSA = Hartebeesthoek, South Africa (aka Johannesburg)
KHC = KaShi, China
KIS = Kiruna, Sweden
KLM = Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
KMC = Kunming, China
KUJ = Kumamoto, Japan
LBG = Libreville, Gabon
LGN = Landsat Ground Network (Landsat 8)
LGS = Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA (aka EDC)
LUZ = Lusaka, Zambia
MCM = Mexico City, Mexico
MGR = Magadan, Russia
MGS = McMurdo, Antarctica
MLK = Malindi, Kenya
MOR = Moscow, Russia
MPF = Montpelier, France
MPS = Maspalomas, Spain
MTI = Matera, Italy
NOK = Norman, Oklahoma, USA
NPA = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP1 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP2 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP3 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP4 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NP5 = North Pole, Alaska, USA
NRK = Nairobi, Kenya
NSG = Neustrelitz, Germany
NSN = Neustrelitz, Germany
NWN = Noordwijk, Netherlands
OHA = O’Higgins, Antarctica
PAC = Prince Albert, Canada
PFS = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
PF1 = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
PF2 = Poker Flats, Alaska, USA
PUC = Punto Arenas, Chile
RPI = Rumpin, Indonesia
RSA = Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
SAC = Santiago, Chile
SEK = Seoul, South, Korea
SGI = Shadnagar, India
SGP = Singapore
SGS = Svalbard, Norway
SG1 = Svalbard, Norway
SNC = SanYa, China
SRT = Si Racha, Thailand
TFT = Taipei, Taiwan (fix Location)
TGS = Transportable Ground Station
TMT = Taipei, Taiwan (mobile location)
TOF = Toulouse, France
UHI = Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
ULK = Ulsan, South Korea
ULM = Ulan Bator, Mongolia
UPR = Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
WPS = Wallops Island, Virginia, USA
XX0 = Receiving station unknown
XXX = Receiving station unknown
- Field Definition: Year, Day of year and GMT spacecraft stop time of either the last major frame of the interval or the stop of a WRS scene.
YYYY = Four digit year
DDD = Day of year
HH = Hour (00-23)
MI = Minute
SS.SSSSSSS = Fractional seconds
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L1 product. A positive (+) value indicates angles to the East or clockwise from geographic North. Zero (0) indicates geographic North. A negative (-) value indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from geographic North.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun azimuth angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L0Ra scene. A positive (+) value indicates angles to the East or clockwise from geographic North. Zero (0) indicates geographic North. A negative (-) value indicates angles to the West or counterclockwise from geographic North.
-180.0000000 through +180.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L1 product. A positive (+) value indicates a daytime scene. Zero (0) or a negative (-) value indicates a nighttime scene.
- 90.0000000 through + 90.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Sun elevation angle (degrees) at the WRS scene center of the L0Ra scene. A positive (+) value indicates a daytime scene. Zero (0) or a negative (-) value indicates a nighttime scene.
- 90.0000000 through + 90.0000000 degrees
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS path to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001 - 251
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS Row to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001-059 = Northern Hemisphere (Descending)
060 = Equator (Descending)
061-119 = Southern Hemisphere (Descending)
120-122 = Southern Polar Zone (Descending)
123-183 = Southern Hemisphere (Ascending)
184 = Equator (Ascending)
185-246 = Northern Hemisphere (Ascending)
247-248 = Northern Polar Zone (Descending)
- Field Definition: Number of product lines for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: Number of product samples for the thermal bands.
- Field Definition: Due to an anomalous condition on the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Scene Select Mirror (SSM) encoder electronics, this field has been added to indicate which model was used to process the data.
Actual = The actual measured SSM position determined from the SSM encoder telemetry was used to process the TIRS data. This is the best TIRS quality available.
Preliminary = Initial estimated SSM position information was used to process the data and reprocessing will occur once SSM encoder telemetry are available.
Final = The TIRS data was reprocessed with updated SSM encoder telemetry.
- Field Definition: Latitude of true scale in a map projectio
- Field Definition: degrees per pixel along the longitude
- Field Definition: degrees per pixel along the latitude
- Field Definition: UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone number in a map projection. A negative zone indicates that the false northing needs to be applied to the northing coordinate and a positive zone indicates that the false northing has been applied.
Negative Zone = Indicates that the false northing needs to be applied.
Positive Zone = Indicates that the false northing has been applied.
- Field Definition: Vertical longitude (decimal degrees) from the pole. Only present when MAP_PROJECTION is PS.
- Field Definition: WRS which applies to the acquisition.
1 = Landsat Satellites 1, 2, 3
2 = Landsat Satellites 4, 5, 7, 8
- Field Definition: Starting (orbital) WRS row number for the first reported scene, whether full or partial, included in this interval. For non-earth imaging intervals, the value is the same as earth imaging intervals.
000 for non-earth imaging (calibration) intervals 001-248 for WRS1 and WRS2
- Field Definition: WRS - defined nominal Landsat satellite track (path). (orbital)
- Field Definition: WRS-defined nominal Landsat satellite row. (orbital)
001 - 248
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System type 1 or 2