Landsat Higher-Level Albers Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The year, month, and day that the scene was acquired.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collections provides a quality controlled selection of radiometrically calibrated and consistently geolocated data with sufficiently geographically aligned pixels to support time series analysis through the full Landsat record.
- Field Definition: The most recent date that the Level-2 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: Land Cloud Cover is the percentage of land image data that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each Collection 1 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = OLI, T = TIRS, C = Combined OLI/TIRS for Landsat 8; E = ETM+ for L7, T = TM for Landsat 4 & 5)
SS = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, 05 = Landsat 5, & 04 = Landsat 4)
LLLL = Processing Correction Level (L2TP = precision and terrain, L2GT = systematic terrain, L2GS = systematic)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYYMMDD = Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
yyyymmdd = Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
CC = Collection Number (01)
TX = Collection Category (A1 = Tier 1 Albers, A2 = Tier 2 Albers)
Example: LE07_L2TP_017031_19990726_20161109_01_A1
- Field Definition: The Pre-Collection naming convention of each Landsat image is based on acquisition parameters. This was the naming convention used prior to Collection 1.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = OLI, T = TIRS, C = Combined OLI/TIRS for Landsat 8; E = EMT+ for L7, T = TM for Landsat 4 & 5)
S = Satellite (8 = Landsat 8, 7 = Landsat 7, 5 = Landsat 5, & 4 = Landsat 4)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYY = Year of Acquisition
DDD = Julian Day of Acquisition
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Version
Example: LE70170311999207EDC00
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each Collection 1 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = OLI, T = TIRS, C = Combined OLI/TIRS for Landsat 8; E = EMT+ for L7, T = TM for Landsat 4 & 5)
SS = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, 05 = Landsat 5, & 04 = Landsat 4)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYYMMDD = Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
CC = Collection Number (01)
A1 = Collection Category (A1 = Tier 1 Albers, A2 = Tier 2 Albers)
SC = Science
yyyymmddhhmmss = Processing timestamp expressed in Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
Example: LC080190342017020701A1-SC20170322170702
- Field Definition: The method used to represent the 3-dimensional surface of the earth for the Level-2 product.
AEA = Albers Equal Area
- Field Definition: The Landsat satellite which acquired the data.
Landsat 8
Landsat 7
Landsat 5
Landsat 4
- Field Definition: Scene Cloud Cover is the percentage of the scene that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The sensor used to capture the Landsat data.
OLI = Operational Land Imager
TIRS = Thermal Infrared Sensor
OLI/TIRS = Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor
ETM+ = Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus
TM = Thematic Mapper
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS path to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001 - 251
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS Row to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001-059 = Northern Hemisphere (Descending)
060 = Equator (Descending)
061-119 = Southern Hemisphere (Descending)
120-122 = Southern Polar Zone (Descending)
123-183 = Southern Hemisphere (Ascending)
184 = Equator (Ascending)
185-246 = Northern Hemisphere (Ascending)
247-248 = Northern Polar Zone (Descending)
For acquisitions near the poles, it is possible to look off-nadir toward the pole, into an area not defined by the WRS-2 grid (above 82.61 degrees). To allow unique Target Row assignments, the North Pole area is assigned a row of 88n, and the South Pole area is assigned a row of 99n, where n is a sequential number. Up to seven scenes can be covered in these areas; therefore, the scenes are assigned row numbers 880 to 886, or 990 to 996.
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite track (path).
001 - 233
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite row.
001 - 248
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The year, month, and day that the scene was acquired.
- Field Definition: Landsat Collections provides a quality controlled selection of radiometrically calibrated and consistently geolocated data with sufficiently geographically aligned pixels to support time series analysis through the full Landsat record.
- Field Definition: The most recent date that the Level-2 Product has been produced.
- Field Definition: Land Cloud Cover is the percentage of land image data that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each Collection 1 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = OLI, T = TIRS, C = Combined OLI/TIRS for Landsat 8; E = ETM+ for L7, T = TM for Landsat 4 & 5)
SS = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, 05 = Landsat 5, & 04 = Landsat 4)
LLLL = Processing Correction Level (L2TP = precision and terrain, L2GT = systematic terrain, L2GS = systematic)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYYMMDD = Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
yyyymmdd = Processing Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
CC = Collection Number (01)
TX = Collection Category (A1 = Tier 1 Albers, A2 = Tier 2 Albers)
Example: LE07_L2TP_017031_19990726_20161109_01_A1
- Field Definition: The Pre-Collection naming convention of each Landsat image is based on acquisition parameters. This was the naming convention used prior to Collection 1.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = OLI, T = TIRS, C = Combined OLI/TIRS for Landsat 8; E = EMT+ for L7, T = TM for Landsat 4 & 5)
S = Satellite (8 = Landsat 8, 7 = Landsat 7, 5 = Landsat 5, & 4 = Landsat 4)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYY = Year of Acquisition
DDD = Julian Day of Acquisition
GSI = Ground Station Identifier
VV = Version
Example: LE70170311999207EDC00
- Field Definition: The naming convention of each Collection 1 Level-1 image is based on acquisition and processing parameters.
L = Landsat
X = Sensor (O = OLI, T = TIRS, C = Combined OLI/TIRS for Landsat 8; E = EMT+ for L7, T = TM for Landsat 4 & 5)
SS = Satellite (08 = Landsat 8, 07 = Landsat 7, 05 = Landsat 5, & 04 = Landsat 4)
PPP = WRS Path
YYYYMMDD = Acquisition Date expressed in Year, Month, Day
CC = Collection Number (01)
A1 = Collection Category (A1 = Tier 1 Albers, A2 = Tier 2 Albers)
SC = Science
yyyymmddhhmmss = Processing timestamp expressed in Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
Example: LC080190342017020701A1-SC20170322170702
- Field Definition: The method used to represent the 3-dimensional surface of the earth for the Level-2 product.
AEA = Albers Equal Area
- Field Definition: The Landsat satellite which acquired the data.
Landsat 8
Landsat 7
Landsat 5
Landsat 4
- Field Definition: Scene Cloud Cover is the percentage of the scene that is obscured by clouds.
0.00 through 100.00 percent where -1 = Cloud Cover not calculated or assessed.
- Field Definition: The sensor used to capture the Landsat data.
OLI = Operational Land Imager
TIRS = Thermal Infrared Sensor
OLI/TIRS = Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor
ETM+ = Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus
TM = Thematic Mapper
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS path to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001 - 251
- Field Definition: Nearest WRS Row to the Line-Of-Sight scene center. This is used primarily for scenes with off-nadir look angles. The center of scene for off-nadir imaging may be several paths left or right of the orbital path and the center may even be off the WRS-2 grid when near the poles. This is an estimated value, for reference.
001-059 = Northern Hemisphere (Descending)
060 = Equator (Descending)
061-119 = Southern Hemisphere (Descending)
120-122 = Southern Polar Zone (Descending)
123-183 = Southern Hemisphere (Ascending)
184 = Equator (Ascending)
185-246 = Northern Hemisphere (Ascending)
247-248 = Northern Polar Zone (Descending)
For acquisitions near the poles, it is possible to look off-nadir toward the pole, into an area not defined by the WRS-2 grid (above 82.61 degrees). To allow unique Target Row assignments, the North Pole area is assigned a row of 88n, and the South Pole area is assigned a row of 99n, where n is a sequential number. Up to seven scenes can be covered in these areas; therefore, the scenes are assigned row numbers 880 to 886, or 990 to 996.
- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite track (path).
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- Field Definition: Worldwide Reference System (WRS)-defined nominal Landsat satellite row.
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