Sentinel-2 Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
Acquisition Date
- Field Definition: The acquisition date refers to the day, month, and year the data was acquired.
DD = Day
MMM = Month
YY = Year
- Field Definition: The date and time at the end of the data acquisition period in UTC time zone.
- Field Definition: The date and time at the beginning of the data acquisition period in UTC time zone.
- Field Definition: The European Space Agency (ESA) operates Sentinel-2 and provides data for distribution.
- Field Definition: The data archive location for the Sentinel-2 data.
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
UPA_ = UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
CDAM = Collaborative Data Access Mirror Centers
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
- Field Definition: The percentage of the tile obscured by cloud cover.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Tile Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Tile Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The integral data type used in the Level-1C product.
UINT16 = 16 bit unsigned integer
- Field Definition: The file name provided by ESA for the Datastrips contained within a Datatake. Multiple tiles may be contained within a Datastrip.
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
OPER = File Class (Routine Operations)
MSI = Sensor (Multi-Spectral Instrument)
L1C = Processing Level
DS = Datastrip
ssss = Site Center
yyyymmddthhmmss = Creation Date and Time
S = Validity Start Time
YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS = Acquisition Start Date and Time
Nxx.yy = Vendor Software Version/Processing Baseline
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
- Field Definition: The file name provided by ESA for the continuous acquisition of an image from a SENTINEL-2 satellite in a given MSI imaging mode or a "datatake".
G = Datatake Identifier
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS = Acquisition Start Date and Time
Affffff = Absolute Orbit Number
Nxx.yy = Vendor Software Version
- Field Definition: The Datatake Type identifies the instrument mode during acquisition.
INS-NOBS = Nominal Observation
INS-EOBS = Extended Observation
INS-DASC = Dark Signal Calibration
INS-ABSR = Absolute Radiometry Calibration
INS-VIC = Vicarious Calibration
INS-RAW = Raw Measurement
INS-TST = Test Mode
- Field Definition: The horizontal reference system used to map the data.
Degraded Ancillary Data Percent
- Field Definition: Percentage of degraded ancillary data.
- Field Definition: Percentage of degraded MSI data provided for each Tile.
- Field Definition: This field describes the naming convention of each file.
L1C_Txxxxx_Affffff_yyyymmddThhmmss (new format)
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
CCCC = File Class: Routine Operations - OPER
MSI = Sensor (Multi-Spectral Instrument)
L1C = Processing Level
TL = Tile
ssss = Site Center
yyyymmddThhmmss = Acquisition End Date and Time or Sensing Time for new format
YYYYmmddhhmmss = Creation Date and Time
Affffff = Absolute Orbit Number
Txxxxx = Tile number
Nxx_yy = Processing Baseline Number
vv = version number
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
L1C_T01KHU_A007619_20161206T214901 (new format)
- Field Definition: The European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code contains the reference system (WGS84) and projection (UTM zone) used to map the data.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 data processed for image refinement by using a Global Reference Image (GRI) as source of Ground Control Points (GCPs) to constrain the geometric model of the images.
Y - image was geometrically refined
N - image was not geometrically refined
Null - image refining does not apply (N/A)
- Field Definition: The map projection applied to the processed archive data (Level-1C).
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)
- Field Definition: Direction (ascending or descending) of the ground track of the Sentinel-2 platform at the time corresponding to orbit.
- Field Definition: The relative orbit number (1 to 143) within the cycle.
- Field Definition: The satellite used to acquire the data.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 data available for download are processed to Level-1C which includes radiometric and geometric corrections along with ortho-rectification and spatial registration.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 image data for the 13 bands are in Geographic Markup Language JPEG2000 (GMLJP2) format.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument Level-1C data are available for download.
- Field Definition: The date and time for the generation of the Level-1C Product (UTC time zone).
Example: 2015-08-18T10:12:16.000955Z
- Field Definition: Reflectance quantification value (in order to convert digit count into reflectance).
- Field Definition: The distance on the ground represented by one pixel is dependent on the particular spectral band: 4 bands at 10m, 6 bands at 20m, and 3 bands at 60m.
10, 20, 60
- Field Definition: Mean value containing sun azimuth (horizontal) angle of the tile for all bands.
- Field Definition: Mean value containing sun zenith (vertical) angle of the tile for all bands.
- Field Definition: Tile number, from the US Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) naming convention, where xxxxx is a fixed string of 5 characters.
- Field Definition: The unit of measurement associated with the resolution.
- Field Definition: The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone number associated with the map projection.
- Field Definition: The original ESA location to process the data.
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
- Field Definition: The filename assigned by ESA to the Sentinel 2 product.
MMM_DDDDDD_YYYYMMTDDHHMMSS_Nxxyy_ROOO_Txxxxx_ yyyymmddthhmmss (new format)
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
CCCC = File Class: Routine Operations - OPER
FFFF = File Category: PRD - Product Category
DDDDDD = Semantic Descriptor: MSIL1C = Multi-Spectral Instrument Level-1C
ssss = Site Center
yyyymmddthhmmss = Production Date or Generation Time for new format
ROOO = Relative Orbit Number
Nxxyy= Processing Baseline Number – identifies the current processing baseline where x and y may be a digit ranging from 0 to 9 (new format)
VYYYYMMTDDHHMMSS_YYYYMMTDDHHMMSS = Validated Acquisition Period (Start Date and End Date) or Datatake Sensing Start Time for new format
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Center
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Center
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Center
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
S2A_MSIL1C_20161206T214902_N0204_R043_T01KHU_20161206T214901 (new format)
- Field Definition: The version of the processing software used to generate the Level-1C product.
- Field Definition: The filename assigned by ESA to the Sentinel 2 granule/tile.
L1C_Txxxxx_ Affffff_YYYYmmddThhmmss (new format)
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
CCCC = File Class: Routine Operations - OPER
MSI = Sensor (Multi-Spectral Instrument)
L1C = Processing Level
TL = Tile
ssss = Site Center
YYYYmmddhhmmss = Creation Date and Time or Sensing Time for new format
Affffff = Absolute Orbit Number
Txxxxx = Tile number according to the US-MGRS naming convention
Nxx.yy = Processing Baseline Number – identifies the current processing baseline where x and y may be a digit ranging from 0 to 9
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
L1C_T01KHU_A007619_20161206T214901 (new format)
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
Acquisition Date
- Field Definition: The acquisition date refers to the day, month, and year the data was acquired.
DD = Day
MMM = Month
YY = Year
- Field Definition: The date and time at the end of the data acquisition period in UTC time zone.
- Field Definition: The date and time at the beginning of the data acquisition period in UTC time zone.
- Field Definition: The European Space Agency (ESA) operates Sentinel-2 and provides data for distribution.
- Field Definition: The data archive location for the Sentinel-2 data.
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
UPA_ = UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
CDAM = Collaborative Data Access Mirror Centers
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
- Field Definition: The percentage of the tile obscured by cloud cover.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Tile Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Tile Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The integral data type used in the Level-1C product.
UINT16 = 16 bit unsigned integer
- Field Definition: The file name provided by ESA for the Datastrips contained within a Datatake. Multiple tiles may be contained within a Datastrip.
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
OPER = File Class (Routine Operations)
MSI = Sensor (Multi-Spectral Instrument)
L1C = Processing Level
DS = Datastrip
ssss = Site Center
yyyymmddthhmmss = Creation Date and Time
S = Validity Start Time
YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS = Acquisition Start Date and Time
Nxx.yy = Vendor Software Version/Processing Baseline
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
- Field Definition: The file name provided by ESA for the continuous acquisition of an image from a SENTINEL-2 satellite in a given MSI imaging mode or a "datatake".
G = Datatake Identifier
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS = Acquisition Start Date and Time
Affffff = Absolute Orbit Number
Nxx.yy = Vendor Software Version
- Field Definition: The Datatake Type identifies the instrument mode during acquisition.
INS-NOBS = Nominal Observation
INS-EOBS = Extended Observation
INS-DASC = Dark Signal Calibration
INS-ABSR = Absolute Radiometry Calibration
INS-VIC = Vicarious Calibration
INS-RAW = Raw Measurement
INS-TST = Test Mode
- Field Definition: The horizontal reference system used to map the data.
Degraded Ancillary Data Percent
- Field Definition: Percentage of degraded ancillary data.
- Field Definition: Percentage of degraded MSI data provided for each Tile.
- Field Definition: This field describes the naming convention of each file.
L1C_Txxxxx_Affffff_yyyymmddThhmmss (new format)
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
CCCC = File Class: Routine Operations - OPER
MSI = Sensor (Multi-Spectral Instrument)
L1C = Processing Level
TL = Tile
ssss = Site Center
yyyymmddThhmmss = Acquisition End Date and Time or Sensing Time for new format
YYYYmmddhhmmss = Creation Date and Time
Affffff = Absolute Orbit Number
Txxxxx = Tile number
Nxx_yy = Processing Baseline Number
vv = version number
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
L1C_T01KHU_A007619_20161206T214901 (new format)
- Field Definition: The European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code contains the reference system (WGS84) and projection (UTM zone) used to map the data.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 data processed for image refinement by using a Global Reference Image (GRI) as source of Ground Control Points (GCPs) to constrain the geometric model of the images.
Y - image was geometrically refined
N - image was not geometrically refined
Null - image refining does not apply (N/A)
- Field Definition: The map projection applied to the processed archive data (Level-1C).
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)
- Field Definition: Direction (ascending or descending) of the ground track of the Sentinel-2 platform at the time corresponding to orbit.
- Field Definition: The relative orbit number (1 to 143) within the cycle.
- Field Definition: The satellite used to acquire the data.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 data available for download are processed to Level-1C which includes radiometric and geometric corrections along with ortho-rectification and spatial registration.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 image data for the 13 bands are in Geographic Markup Language JPEG2000 (GMLJP2) format.
- Field Definition: Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument Level-1C data are available for download.
- Field Definition: The date and time for the generation of the Level-1C Product (UTC time zone).
Example: 2015-08-18T10:12:16.000955Z
- Field Definition: Reflectance quantification value (in order to convert digit count into reflectance).
- Field Definition: The distance on the ground represented by one pixel is dependent on the particular spectral band: 4 bands at 10m, 6 bands at 20m, and 3 bands at 60m.
10, 20, 60
- Field Definition: Mean value containing sun azimuth (horizontal) angle of the tile for all bands.
- Field Definition: Mean value containing sun zenith (vertical) angle of the tile for all bands.
- Field Definition: Tile number, from the US Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) naming convention, where xxxxx is a fixed string of 5 characters.
- Field Definition: The unit of measurement associated with the resolution.
- Field Definition: The UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) zone number associated with the map projection.
- Field Definition: The original ESA location to process the data.
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
- Field Definition: The filename assigned by ESA to the Sentinel 2 product.
MMM_DDDDDD_YYYYMMTDDHHMMSS_Nxxyy_ROOO_Txxxxx_ yyyymmddthhmmss (new format)
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
CCCC = File Class: Routine Operations - OPER
FFFF = File Category: PRD - Product Category
DDDDDD = Semantic Descriptor: MSIL1C = Multi-Spectral Instrument Level-1C
ssss = Site Center
yyyymmddthhmmss = Production Date or Generation Time for new format
ROOO = Relative Orbit Number
Nxxyy= Processing Baseline Number – identifies the current processing baseline where x and y may be a digit ranging from 0 to 9 (new format)
VYYYYMMTDDHHMMSS_YYYYMMTDDHHMMSS = Validated Acquisition Period (Start Date and End Date) or Datatake Sensing Start Time for new format
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Center
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Center
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Center
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
S2A_MSIL1C_20161206T214902_N0204_R043_T01KHU_20161206T214901 (new format)
- Field Definition: The version of the processing software used to generate the Level-1C product.
- Field Definition: The filename assigned by ESA to the Sentinel 2 granule/tile.
L1C_Txxxxx_ Affffff_YYYYmmddThhmmss (new format)
MMM = Mission ID: S2A or S2B
CCCC = File Class: Routine Operations - OPER
MSI = Sensor (Multi-Spectral Instrument)
L1C = Processing Level
TL = Tile
ssss = Site Center
YYYYmmddhhmmss = Creation Date and Time or Sensing Time for new format
Affffff = Absolute Orbit Number
Txxxxx = Tile number according to the US-MGRS naming convention
Nxx.yy = Processing Baseline Number – identifies the current processing baseline where x and y may be a digit ranging from 0 to 9
ssss = Site Center
MTI_ = Matera, Italy Collaborative Ground Segment
SGS_ = Svalbard, Norway Collaborative Ground Segment
MPS_ = Mas Palomas, Spain Collaborative Ground Segment
EPA_ = Madrid, Spain Processing Archive Centre
MPC_ = Mission Performance Center/Coordinating Centre
UPA_ = Farnborough, UK Processing Archive Centre
EDRS = EDRS Exploitation Segment
L1C_T01KHU_A007619_20161206T214901 (new format)