Terminal lakes—such as the Great Salt Lake-- have no outlet to an external body of water and are unique environments important for waterbirds and other wildlife. These lakes are declining in the U.S. and around the world due to human water demands, drought, and climate change. USGS researchers reviewed the state of research for terminal lakes in the Great Basin, which supports millions of waterbirds annually, to prioritize ecological and hydrological information needs. Key research priorities identified include migratory connectivity, waterbird prey availability, and water availability. The researchers found that information on links between water availability, water quality, and food webs are also lacking.  This review will guide partners responsible for management of terminal lakes in the Great Basin and the USGS Saline Lake Ecosystems Integrated Water Availability Assessment in efforts to advance understanding of how the Great Basin terminal lakes function as an inter-related system and support conservation efforts.
Herring, G., Whipple, A.L., Aldridge, C.L., Pulver, B.A., Eagles-Smith, C.A., Inman, R.D., Matchett, E.L., Monroe, A.P., Orning, E.K., Robb, B.S., Shyvers, J.E., Tarbox, B.C., Van Schmidt, N.D., Smith, C.D., Holloran, M.J., Overton, C.T., O'Leary, D.R., Casazza, M.L., and Frus, R.J., 2024, Imperiled Great Basin terminal lakes- Synthesizing science gaps and research needs for waterbird conservation: BioScience, biae126. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biae126