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After centuries of building dams on rivers around the world, dam removal projects are on the rise. USGS scientists and partners from France compiled a collection of research articles on a wide range of topics related to large dam removal, from vegetation and terrestrial animal responses to social and financial considerations of these large-scale restoration projects.

USGS scientists Rebecca McCaffery and Jeff Duda co-edited a special collection of papers on large dam removal and wrote an editorial introducing the collection in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. River restoration via dam removal is receiving increased public attention and financial investment, but most dam removal projects to date have focused on smaller structures. Understanding the outcomes of large dam removal depends on sustained research and monitoring efforts over large spatial extents and time scales. The editorial introduces the diverse research topics in the collection, including 12 papers with USGS authors covering aquatic and terrestrial ecology, water quality, economics, and social science. The collection is available for download as an eBook.


McCaffery, R.M., Duda, J.J., Soissons, L., and Roussel, J., 2024, Large-scale dam removal and ecosystem restoration: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, v. 12, p. 1471146. 

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