Despite regional variation, pinyon jay densities generally increase with local pinyon–juniper cover and heterogeneous ground cover
In this paper we describe a hierarchical model characterizing local-scale habitat features associated with high densities of pinyon jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus), a species which has been proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act.
We used data from a broad-scale, integrated, point count monitoring program (Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions; IMBCR), spanning 16 western states, to assess pinyon jay density responses to various ground, shrub, and tree composition and cover estimates collected by on-the-ground surveyors.
Our results agree with prior research suggesting mechanical removal of pinyon pine and juniper trees may negatively affect pinyon jays, and our models provide guidance to support pinyon jay habitat management.
Full citation: Van Lanen, N.J., A.P. Monroe, and C.L. Aldridge. Despite regional variation, Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus (Pinyon Jay) densities generally increase with local pinyon–juniper cover and heterogeneous ground cover. 2024. Ornithological Applications.
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