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July 6, 2023

Working with the BLM Hassayampa Field Office, Fort Collins Science Center scientists organized a kickoff meeting for stakeholders to encourage participation in drafting a new Science Plan for Agua Fria National Monument in central Arizona. 

Individuals collaborating on a science plan in a conference room.
Meeting participants collaborating on potential science needs in preparation for drafting the Agua Fria National Monument Science Plan. 

The BLM’s National Landscape Conservation System promotes the use of National Monuments for scientific research. BLM National Monuments use Science Plans to organize research and identify science needs unique to each monument.  

To engage external partners in the science planning effort, BLM hosted a kickoff meeting on June 30th, 2023 to launch the effort for a new Science Plan for Agua Fria National Monument. Attendees included the public, citizens groups, local and state-level governmental organizations, university researchers, and other federal agencies. 

USGS staff ensured mutual exchange of information by both leading discussion about the process for writing Science Plans and conducting a workshop-style thought exercise with attendees to brainstorm science needs and identify ongoing research on Agua Fria National Monument. 

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