USGS Scientists Facilitate Stakeholder Engagement During Coproduction of BLM National Monument Science Strategies, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
Working closely with BLM staff, USGS scientists organized a kickoff meeting for stakeholders to encourage participation in drafting a new Science Strategy for Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area in southern Nevada.
BLM’s National Conservation Lands program was established two decades ago to conserve, protect, and restore nationally significant landscapes that have outstanding cultural, ecological, and scientific values. Science strategies outline priority management questions and science needs for managing the resources, objects, and values of National Monuments and National Conservation Areas.
To engage external partners in the Science Strategy effort, BLM hosted a public meeting on October 21st, 2024 to kickoff development of a Science Strategy for Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Attendees included the public, citizens groups, local governmental organizations, university researchers, and members of Tribal Nations.
USGS led discussions about the process for writing Science Strategies and BLM staff shared short science highlight talks on key resources in the unit. The meeting concluded with a workshop-style thought exercise with attendees to brainstorm science needs and identify ongoing research in Red Rock Canyon National Recreation Area.
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