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Denver Radiogenic Isotope Lab

DRIL is a cooperatively-funded mass spectrometry laboratory located on the Denver Federal Center campus in Denver, Colorado. The lab specializes in radiogenic isotope studies that contribute to projects nationwide and internationally in collaboration with scientists from GECSC, G3SC and other USGS Science Centers, as well as with colleagues from other Federal Agencies and academic institutions.

Radiogenic isotopes are nuclides derived from natural radioactive decay in the environment. They are useful for determining radiometric ages of rocks, minerals, and soils, and can be used as natural tracers of geologic, hydrologic, and biologic processes. DRIL scientists are currently focused on radiometric dating by U-Pb and U-Th, as well as tracer studies using natural isotopes of U (234U/238U), Pb (204Pb-206Pb-207Pb-208Pb), Sr (87Sr/86Sr), and Nd (143Nd/144Nd); however, collaborative investigations of other isotope systems are possible. The data DRIL produce support USGS projects funded primarily by the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program and Mineral Resources Program.

For sample analysis or collaboration inquiries, please see the Capabilities and Contacts tabs of this webpage.

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