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November 7, 2022

USGS is Facilitating this effort to block sea lamprey passage in streams accross the Great Lakes.

Dr. Nick Johnson (GLSC, Millersburg, Michigan) and Pete Hrodey (US Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS] Marquette Biological Station) hosted Krzysztof Niezabitowski and Sabina Zioła of Procom Systems (Poland) during the week of October 3, 2022, on a tour of Great Lakes tributaries that are a high priority for supplemental sea lamprey controls under the Great Lakes Fishery Commission's (GLFC) Supplemental Controls program. Procom specializes in fish guidance systems that can be effective on adult sea lamprey. The GLFC and USFWS are contracting with Procom to design and deliver electrical barriers for several critical streams where blocking adult sea lamprey migration is a high priority. USGS is serving in a technical assistance role to support science and evaluation of these barriers and to provide advice on where they are most likely to be effective. The tour spanned from western Lake Superior to eastern Lake Erie and included many landowners and representatives from the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, USFWS, GLFC, and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.  Krzystof is Director of Procom and Sabina is the Chief Electrical Engineer.  Procom is working to develop partnerships in North America to support the restoration of freshwater ecosystems. Learn more about the work in the following publications: Fish guidance and deterrence system - NEPTUN ( portable trap with electric lead catches up to 75% of an invasive fish species | Scientific Reports ( seasonal electric barrier blocks invasive adult sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and reduces production of larvae - ScienceDirect.

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