Lower Granite Reservoir Bed Sediment Coring and Analysis
Some groups are concerned that dredging the reservoir and the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers to remove excess sediment may mobilize contaminants in sediment that could negatively affect endangered species such as steelhead and salmon.
A specially trained and equipped crew from the USGS Texas Water Science Center extracted 69 bed-sediment core samples from Lower Granite Reservoir, the Snake River, and the Clearwater River. From these 69 cores, 105 subsamples were analyzed for sediment grain size. Fifty of the subsamples were also analyzed for major and trace elements.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Grain-size distribution and selected major and trace element concentrations in bed-sediment cores from the Lower Granite Reservoir and Snake and Clearwater Rivers, eastern Washington and northern Idaho, 2010
Below are partners associated with this project.
Some groups are concerned that dredging the reservoir and the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers to remove excess sediment may mobilize contaminants in sediment that could negatively affect endangered species such as steelhead and salmon.
A specially trained and equipped crew from the USGS Texas Water Science Center extracted 69 bed-sediment core samples from Lower Granite Reservoir, the Snake River, and the Clearwater River. From these 69 cores, 105 subsamples were analyzed for sediment grain size. Fifty of the subsamples were also analyzed for major and trace elements.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Grain-size distribution and selected major and trace element concentrations in bed-sediment cores from the Lower Granite Reservoir and Snake and Clearwater Rivers, eastern Washington and northern Idaho, 2010
Below are partners associated with this project.