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Partnership with Community for Data Integration (CDI)

The Powell Center and the Community for Data Integration (CDI) are exploring ways to work more closely together.

The Powell Center and the Community for Data Integration (CDI) are exploring ways to work more closely together. Leslie Hsu, CDI Coordinator, is working with the Powell Center team to start identifying activities to leverage the team science and science synthesis of Powell with the community of practice, training, and computing and analysis interests of the CDI. A recent survey of investigators that have participated in both organizations yielded several suggestions for cross-pollination of ideas. These included joint activities for networking, alignment of project and working group themes, and more intent sharing of CDI and Powell Center outputs between the groups.

Leslie's main background is geoinformatics and geomorphology. She also has experience in active tectonics, seismology, and atmospheric chemistry, and loves learning about the intersections between the many Earth and biological sciences. She moved to Denver to become coordinator of the CDI in 2015.

Photograph of the 2023 CDI DataBlast

The poster session (DataBlast) at the 2023 CDI Workshop.

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