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Nevada Water Science Center

The Nevada Water Science Center (NVWSC) is committed to providing reliable, unbiased scientific information about Nevada's water resources to the public, cooperators, and stakeholders. To provide this information, we operate widespread data collection networks as well as conduct water-science research covering a wide range of scientific issues throughout Nevada and adjacent states.


Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA February 2025 Seminar

Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA February 2025 Seminar

Nevada StreamStats now available

Nevada StreamStats now available

Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA Fall 2024 Webinar Series

Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA Fall 2024 Webinar Series


Imperiled Great Basin terminal lakes: Synthesizing ecological and hydrological science gaps and research needs for waterbird conservation

Terminal lakes are declining globally because of human water demands, drought, and climate change. Through literature synthesis and feedback from the resource and conservation community, we review the state of research for terminal lakes in the Great Basin of the United States, which support millions of waterbirds annually, to prioritize ecological and hydrologic information needs. From...
Garth Herring, Ashley L. Whipple, Cameron L. Aldridge, Bryce Alan Pulver, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Rich D. Inman, Elliott Matchett, Adrian P. Monroe, Elizabeth Kari Orning, Benjamin Seward Robb, Jessica E. Shyvers, Bryan C. Tarbox, Nathan D. Van Schmidt, Cassandra Smith, Matthew J. Holloran, Cory T. Overton, David O'Leary, Michael L. Casazza, Rebecca Frus

Chapter 5. Sensor selection

No abstract available.
Todd Caldwell, L. Rivera, M.H. Cosh, N. Gaur

Using citizen scientists to collect oxygen and hydrogen isotope data in southern Nevada

What is Citizen Science?Citizen science programs provide a means for Federal and non-Federal government agencies to make science more engaging, transparent, and accessible by partnering with the public for the purpose of problem solving, data collection, and monitoring. Public volunteers become directly involved in local research, thereby engaging in scientific projects. The public has...
Joshua M. Gonzales, Katherine J. Earp, Sade K. Cromratie Clemons


Nevada StreamStats

The USGS Nevada Water Science Center (NVWSC), in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Nevada Division of Water Resources (NDWR), is updating streamflow statistics for Nevada. Additionally, the project includes launching StreamStats, a web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool that provides streamflow statistics and information about drainage basins. Work on this...

Nevada StreamStats

The USGS Nevada Water Science Center (NVWSC), in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Nevada Division of Water Resources (NDWR), is updating streamflow statistics for Nevada. Additionally, the project includes launching StreamStats, a web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool that provides streamflow statistics and information about drainage basins. Work on this...
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Arsenic in Nevada Groundwater

From 2007 to 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collaborated with the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology on evaluating the forms of arsenic in Nevada groundwater resources. A total of 190 groundwater samples were collected from wells and springs throughout Nevada. Concentrations of arsenic ranged from <1.6 to 2,408 micrograms per liter (µg/L); in most cases, arsenate was the dominant species...

Arsenic in Nevada Groundwater

From 2007 to 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collaborated with the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology on evaluating the forms of arsenic in Nevada groundwater resources. A total of 190 groundwater samples were collected from wells and springs throughout Nevada. Concentrations of arsenic ranged from <1.6 to 2,408 micrograms per liter (µg/L); in most cases, arsenate was the dominant species...
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Actionable Science

The Colorado River Basin Pilot Project is exploring new approaches for the USGS to answer complex earth systems questions identified in partnership with stakeholders, which cannot be answered through a single discipline approach. Science coproduction is a method where scientists, managers, policy makers, and other stakeholders first identify specific decisions to be informed by science, and then...

Actionable Science

The Colorado River Basin Pilot Project is exploring new approaches for the USGS to answer complex earth systems questions identified in partnership with stakeholders, which cannot be answered through a single discipline approach. Science coproduction is a method where scientists, managers, policy makers, and other stakeholders first identify specific decisions to be informed by science, and then...
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