SPCMSC Geologic Core and Sample Database is available through an updated web application
SPCMSC Data Management staff, Breanna Williams and Heather Schreppel, updated the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) Geologic Core and Sample Viewer, an interactive web mapping application of the center’s geologic core and samples database.
The USGS SPCMSC has been involved in research collecting coral, coral reef, limestone, and sediment cores and samples from around the world since the 1970s. The USGS and partners study these cores to understand the geomorphological and climatic history of the Nation’s coastal and marine environments. The USGS SPCMSC recognized the importance and need to catalog and preserve this information about the center's geologic materials. Thus, SPCMSC Geologic Core and Sample Database was established. The center’s data management group maintains this database, which contains a comprehensive inventory of geologic (coral, coral reef, limestone, and sediment) cores and samples collected, analyzed, published, and/or archived by, or in collaboration with SPCMSC. This database is available for public access through a web application (https://www.usgs.gov/tools/spcmsc-geologic-core-and-sample-viewer-web-mapping-application). For more information about the database and web application, a geonarrative (https://www.usgs.gov/tools/usgs-spcmsc-geologic-core-and-sample-database-geonarrative) has also been published exploring the history of geologic sampling at the USGS SPCMSC, why and how the database was developed, and where the database can be accessed.
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