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USGS Research Microbiologist presents science and participates in science communication at 2018 ASM Microbe Meeting

Christina Kellogg (SPCMSC Research Microbiologist) will present a poster titled "Metagenomic Analysis of the Microbial Community Associated with the Deep-Sea Coral Lophelia pertusa" and give a 10-min talk about it in a session highlighting key posters at the 2018 American Society for Microbiology MICROBE conference, June 6–11, 2018, in Atlanta, GA.

Kellogg is also an invited speaker in a science communication session called "The Up Goer Five Challenge: Microbiology in Plain Language" during which she will describe her research using only the 1,000 most used words (Spoiler: these words do not include 'coral,' 'bacteria,' 'microbes,' 'DNA,' or 'ocean'!) Kellogg will also be a guest on a live taping of the popular podcast This Week in Microbiology (TWiM).

To hear previously recorded TWiM episodes, visit


Read what else is new at the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center.


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