USGS Scientists Participate in Gulf of Mexico Habitat Monitoring and Mapping User Workshop and Mapping Summit
USGS Scientists will participate in the Gulf of Mexico Habitat Monitoring and Mapping User Workshop and Mapping Summit at the NOAA Disaster Response Center in Mobile, Alabama.
Cheryl Hapke (SPCMSC Research Geologist and Florida Coastal Mapping Program Coordinator) and Xan Fredericks (Coastal and Marine Geology Program Lidar Coordinator) will join colleagues and regional stakeholders at the third in a series of gatherings planned for early 2018. Hosted by the Gulf Ecosystem Restoration Council Monitoring and Assessment Program (CMAP) and the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) Data and Monitoring Priority Issues Team, the Gulf of Mexico Habitat Monitoring and Mapping User Workshop and Mapping Summit aims to coordinate with regional stakeholders to continue gathering Gulf-wide information on existing baseline assessments, monitoring and mapping efforts, and monitoring and mapping standards, while also identifying gaps, beginning prioritization, and identifying strategies for implementing GOMA's Master Mapping Plan.
Read what else is new at the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center.
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