USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center Scientists Present at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering in Rome, Italy
Drs. Donya Frank-Gilchrist and Michael Itzkin of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center presented research on sediment transport in coastal regions at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 9/8-9/14/2024, in Rome, Italy.
The International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), held September 8-14, 2024, facilitated knowledge exchange with scientists and practitioners across the world specializing in a wide range of coastal engineering research and applications. ICCE facilitates communication between scientists and engineers to share the latest advancements in coastal engineering research and practical case studies. The ICCE community convenes approximately every 2 years in different locations across the world.
Drs. Donya Frank-Gilchrist and Michael Itzkin of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) attended the ICCE conference which was held in Rome, Italy. At the conference, Donya presented her latest research on the role of vortex-induced pressure gradients on sand transport over ripples, which was conducted in collaboration with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. High-resolution laboratory measurements revealed that vortices shed from ripples can trap sand grains and suspend them longer than expected. Vortex-induced pressure gradients can also exert a lift force on the grains and cause their trajectories to deviate from the typical path of advected grains. Michael presented on the role of sand bars in regulating wave runup on synthetic reflective and dissipative beaches. Numerical simulations were run using the Simulating WAves till SHore (SWASH) numerical model in collaboration with University of New South Wales Sydney research staff to quantify runup metrics as a function of bar position and morphology.
The ICCE conference also featured a workshop on swash dynamics where scientists identified the next major topics of research to improve predictions in the swash zone. The conference keynote speakers provided a historical perspective on the coastal engineering industry and highlighted research advancements in recent years. In addition, the conference organized several technical tours of historical sites, local beaches and local ports and harbors to give attendees first-hand experience of local coastal geomorphology features and coastal engineering case studies. The ICCE conference was organized by the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute (COPRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
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