Hurricane Sandy Response - Barrier Island and Estuarine Wetland Physical Change Assessment
Final Report
Barrier-island and estuarine-wetland physical-change assessment after Hurricane Sandy
This project integrated a wetland assessment with existing coastal-change hazard assessments for the adjacent dunes and beaches of Assateague Island, Maryland, to create a more comprehensive coastal vulnerability assessment.
Studying Physical Changes in Barrier Island Wetlands
The Nation's coast is fringed by beaches, dunes, barrier islands, wetlands, and bluffs. These natural coastal barriers provide critical benefits and services, and can mitigate the impact of storms, erosion, and sea-level rise on coastal communities. In late October 2012, waves and storm surge resulting from Hurricane Sandy affected the U.S. coastline from North Carolina to New York and Massachusetts, including Assateague Island, Maryland, and the Delmarva coastal system. The storm impacts included changes in topography, coastal morphology and geology, hydrology, environmental quality, and ecosystems (Buxton and others).
In the immediate aftermath of the storm, lidar surveys from North Carolina to New York documented storm impacts to coastal barriers, providing a baseline to assess vulnerability of the reconfigured coast. In addition to that, a thorough investigation of the topography and geology of the affected coastal systems has provided a complete picture of the post-storm barrier landscape that allows us to understand the potential vulnerability to future storms and informs decisions on recovery and rebuilding.
The Barrier Island Wetlands Physical Change project conducted research tasks in 2014-2015 that included the following:
- Identified and measured estuarine shoreline changes resulting from Hurricane Sandy along Assateague Island using remotely sensed data;
- Sampled and analyzed sediment cores to understand long-term geologic processes and ground-truth measurements from the remote sensing analysis;
- Assessed the likelihood of wetland change resulting from future storm events and linked this assessment to the beaches and dunes vulnerability assessments that have already been developed.
This study provides baseline scientific information regarding the natural resiliency of the coastal system that will continue to inform Federal and other resource managers as they make decisions regarding restoration and resource management projects. In addition, project results are providing coastal planners and managers with similar information for addressing infrastructure concerns along developed coastlines.

Hurricane Sandy Beach Response and Recovery at Fire Island, New York-Shoreline, Beach Profile Data, and Breach Shoreline Data, October 2012 to October 2017
Post Hurricane Sandy Beach Profile Survey-Fire Island Inlet to Moriches Inlet 2013
Hurricane Sandy Beach Response and Recovery at Fire Island, New York: Shoreline, Beach Profile Data, and Breach Shoreline Data: October 2012 to June 2016
Hurricane Sandy washover deposit data from southern Long Beach Island, New Jersey: Grain-size, elevations, and graphic core logs
Below are publications associated with this project.
Barrier-island and estuarine-wetland physical-change assessment after Hurricane Sandy
Analysis of multi-decadal wetland changes, and cumulative impact of multiple storms 1984 to 2017
Hurricane Sandy washover deposits on southern Long Beach Island, New Jersey
Evaluating the potential effects of hurricanes on long-term sediment accumulation in two micro-tidal sub-estuaries: Barnegat Bay and Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Sedimentologic characteristics of recent washover deposits from Assateague Island, Maryland
A seasonal comparison of surface sediment characteristics in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia, USA
Back-Island and Open-Ocean Shorelines, and Sand Areas of the Undeveloped Areas of New Jersey Barrier Islands, March 9, 1991, to July 30, 2013
Land-cover types, shoreline positions, and sand extents derived From Landsat satellite imagery, Assateague Island to Metompkin Island, Maryland and Virginia, 1984 to 2014
Sedimentological and radiochemical characteristics of marsh deposits from Assateague Island and the adjacent vicinity, Maryland and Virginia, following Hurricane Sandy
Back-island and open-ocean shorelines, and sand areas of Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, April 12, 1989, to September 5, 2013
Meeting the Science Needs of the Nation in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy-- A U.S. Geological Survey Science Plan for Support of Restoration and Recovery
This project integrated a wetland assessment with existing coastal-change hazard assessments for the adjacent dunes and beaches of Assateague Island, Maryland, to create a more comprehensive coastal vulnerability assessment.
Studying Physical Changes in Barrier Island Wetlands
The Nation's coast is fringed by beaches, dunes, barrier islands, wetlands, and bluffs. These natural coastal barriers provide critical benefits and services, and can mitigate the impact of storms, erosion, and sea-level rise on coastal communities. In late October 2012, waves and storm surge resulting from Hurricane Sandy affected the U.S. coastline from North Carolina to New York and Massachusetts, including Assateague Island, Maryland, and the Delmarva coastal system. The storm impacts included changes in topography, coastal morphology and geology, hydrology, environmental quality, and ecosystems (Buxton and others).
In the immediate aftermath of the storm, lidar surveys from North Carolina to New York documented storm impacts to coastal barriers, providing a baseline to assess vulnerability of the reconfigured coast. In addition to that, a thorough investigation of the topography and geology of the affected coastal systems has provided a complete picture of the post-storm barrier landscape that allows us to understand the potential vulnerability to future storms and informs decisions on recovery and rebuilding.
The Barrier Island Wetlands Physical Change project conducted research tasks in 2014-2015 that included the following:
- Identified and measured estuarine shoreline changes resulting from Hurricane Sandy along Assateague Island using remotely sensed data;
- Sampled and analyzed sediment cores to understand long-term geologic processes and ground-truth measurements from the remote sensing analysis;
- Assessed the likelihood of wetland change resulting from future storm events and linked this assessment to the beaches and dunes vulnerability assessments that have already been developed.
This study provides baseline scientific information regarding the natural resiliency of the coastal system that will continue to inform Federal and other resource managers as they make decisions regarding restoration and resource management projects. In addition, project results are providing coastal planners and managers with similar information for addressing infrastructure concerns along developed coastlines.

Hurricane Sandy Beach Response and Recovery at Fire Island, New York-Shoreline, Beach Profile Data, and Breach Shoreline Data, October 2012 to October 2017
Post Hurricane Sandy Beach Profile Survey-Fire Island Inlet to Moriches Inlet 2013
Hurricane Sandy Beach Response and Recovery at Fire Island, New York: Shoreline, Beach Profile Data, and Breach Shoreline Data: October 2012 to June 2016
Hurricane Sandy washover deposit data from southern Long Beach Island, New Jersey: Grain-size, elevations, and graphic core logs
Below are publications associated with this project.