EcoFlows: Understanding Streamflow Dynamics in Small Mountain Streams
Understanding streamflow in small, high elevation streams
The WY-MT WSC is collaborating with the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center to understand the dynamics of streamflows in small, mountain streams during the course of the year, and to describe the amount of variability associated with those measurements. These findings will assist fisheries biologists who are researching temperature and streamflow effects on cutthroat trout and will help hydrologists describe drivers of streamflows in these streams, where few annual streamflow data are collected.
Three watersheds (basins) in Wyoming and Montana are being studied. Each watershed has two new, nested streamgages; one streamgage describes outflows from a smaller draingage basin that feeds to the larger drainage where the second streamgage is located. The drainage areas for the streamgages range from about 5 square miles to 75 square miles.
Links to all new streamgages found below:
Spread Creek Drainage:
Leidy Creek and South Fork Spread Creek
Shields River Drainage:
Dugout Creek and Shields River
Flathead Drainage:
In additon to the streamgages, streamflow data are collected thoughout the year at additional sites to help describe the basin hydrology. Data and Tools provides links to streamflow data for all sites in each basin.
Below are data associated with this project.
Flathead Basin EcoFlows Sites
Shields River EcoFlows Sites
The WY-MT WSC is collaborating with the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center to understand the dynamics of streamflows in small, mountain streams during the course of the year, and to describe the amount of variability associated with those measurements. These findings will assist fisheries biologists who are researching temperature and streamflow effects on cutthroat trout and will help hydrologists describe drivers of streamflows in these streams, where few annual streamflow data are collected.
Three watersheds (basins) in Wyoming and Montana are being studied. Each watershed has two new, nested streamgages; one streamgage describes outflows from a smaller draingage basin that feeds to the larger drainage where the second streamgage is located. The drainage areas for the streamgages range from about 5 square miles to 75 square miles.
Links to all new streamgages found below:
Spread Creek Drainage:
Leidy Creek and South Fork Spread Creek
Shields River Drainage:
Dugout Creek and Shields River
Flathead Drainage:
In additon to the streamgages, streamflow data are collected thoughout the year at additional sites to help describe the basin hydrology. Data and Tools provides links to streamflow data for all sites in each basin.
Below are data associated with this project.