USGS employee surveys streamgage datum for the Snake River near Alpine, Wyoming to ensure real-time stage and streamflow data on the web are accurate.
Cheryl Eddy Miller
Cheryl has been with the USGS since 1989. She is a Supervisory Hydrologist and Water Quality Section Chief.
Cheryl started her career studying pesticides and other water-quality issues in Wyoming's groundwater and surface water. Other work has involved evaluating groundwater/surface-water interaction, and how that interaction influences water quality and biological processes.
Recently, Cheryl has been able to combine her understanding of many facets of hydrology and has had increased focus on using multi-disciplinary approaches to answer hydrologic questions. In particular, she enjoys using analytical techniques or available data in non-traditional ways to collaborate with other scientists.
Cheryl is also the WY-MT Water Science Center Communications Specialist.
Professional Experience
2024-present: Water Quality Section Chief, USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
2015-2024: Hydrologist and Cheyenne Support Unit Chief, USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
2013-2015: Hydrologist, USGS Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center
1991-2013: Hydrologist, USGS Wyoming District
1989-1991: Student Hydrologist, USGS Wyoming District
Education and Certifications
M.S. in Agricultural and Chemical Engineering, Colorado State University
B.S. in Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University
Science and Products
Comparison of water year 2021 streamflow to historical data at selected sites in the Snake River Basin, Wyoming
Testing the potential of streamflow data to predict spring migration of an ungulate herds
Discharge and dissolved-solids characteristics of Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork, Wyoming, April 2018 through September 2019
A machine learning approach to modeling streamflow with sparse data in ungaged watersheds on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012–17
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2018 annual report
Discharge and dissolved-solids characteristics and trends of Snake River above Jackson Lake at Flagg Ranch, Wyoming, 1986–2018
Streamflow gains and losses in New Fork and Green Rivers, upstream from Fontenelle Reservoir, Wyoming, October 2015
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2017 annual report
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2016 annual report
Estimated nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to the Fish Creek watershed, Teton County, Wyoming, 2009–15
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2015 annual report
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2014 annual report
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Water Resources
EcoFlows: Understanding Streamflow Dynamics in Small Mountain Streams
Characterizing Hydrologic and Geomorphic Processes in a Spring-Fed, Cold-Desert Headwater Stream
Monitoring for Pesticides in Wyoming's Water
Characterization and Quantification of Salinity Loads from Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork near Lyman, Wyoming
From Gage to Page: A Look Into How USGS Helps You Know the Flow
Knowing the streamflow of a river is important for many. For example, irrigators need to know how the water can be allocated to fields, boaters need to know if the river is safe to float, and municipalities need to know how much supply will be at their intakes.
WLCI: Determining Streamflow Drivers in Wyoming Range Small Streams
WLCI: Groundwater Streamgages in the upper Green River Basin
WLCI: Long-term streamflow, water-quality, and groundwater data collection
Establishing a Streamgage
Streamgages are structures that house equipment that measures and records stream stage and other parameters before transmitting that data to centralized computers via satellites.
Creating the Rating Curve
The rating curve is a relation between stage (river level) and streamflow (discharge). Each stream channel is different and, because the stage-discharge relation is a function of the streambed material and geometry, each rating curve will be unique to that site and a particular period of time.
Wyoming-Montana Stream Water-Quality Network - Water Year 2020
Digitized datasets used in channel stability study in the Colorado River headwater arroyo system of Muddy Creek, Wyoming
Input data, model output, and R scripts for a machine learning streamflow model on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012-17
Estimated Nitrogen and Phosphorus Input to Fish Creek Watershed, Teton County, Wyoming
USGS employee surveys streamgage datum for the Snake River near Alpine, Wyoming to ensure real-time stage and streamflow data on the web are accurate.
Streamflow measurement in S Fk Spread Creek, WY (13012475)
Streamflow measurement in S Fk Spread Creek, WY (13012475)
Cantilever staff plate at Muddy Creek near Hampton streamgage
Cantilever staff plate at Muddy Creek near Hampton streamgage
Headwaters of Littlefield Creek
Headwaters of Littlefield Creek
Installing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) Streamgage
Installing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) Streamgage
Installing sampling pump in river
Installing sampling pump in river
Moving ESP into gagehouse
Moving ESP into gagehouse
Sealing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor into its housing
Sealing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor into its housing
MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) installed in Streamgage
MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) installed in Streamgage
Sampling Big Sandy River below Farson, WY
Sampling Big Sandy River below Farson, WY
Streamflow measurement on Grouse Creek
Streamflow measurement on Grouse Creek
Littlefield Creek middle study site
Littlefield Creek middle study site
South Fork Spread Creek near Moran (13012475) streamgage
South Fork Spread Creek near Moran (13012475) streamgage
The wire weight was dropped from this bridge to measure the stream stage of the Blacks Fork River near Lyman, Wyoming. Even with an early start, it is a struggle to get work done before an afternoon storm rolls in.
The wire weight was dropped from this bridge to measure the stream stage of the Blacks Fork River near Lyman, Wyoming. Even with an early start, it is a struggle to get work done before an afternoon storm rolls in.
Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork Streamgage
Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork Streamgage
Summer Interns learning about sampling at the Bighorn River near Worland, Wyoming. The team used the bridge crane and heavy sampler to get water while streamflow was about twice average for the date.
Summer Interns learning about sampling at the Bighorn River near Worland, Wyoming. The team used the bridge crane and heavy sampler to get water while streamflow was about twice average for the date.
Measuring streamflow in Belle Fource River below Hulett, WY
Measuring streamflow in Belle Fource River below Hulett, WY
Wire weight mounted on bridge crossing Blacks Fork, streamgage 09219200
Wire weight mounted on bridge crossing Blacks Fork, streamgage 09219200
Taking water-quality equipment to Fogarty Creek
Taking water-quality equipment to Fogarty Creek
Measuring stream stage on Muddy Creek near Dad
Measuring stream stage on Muddy Creek near Dad
Chopping several feet of ice to access Black Canyon Creek
Chopping several feet of ice to access Black Canyon Creek
Science and Products
Comparison of water year 2021 streamflow to historical data at selected sites in the Snake River Basin, Wyoming
Testing the potential of streamflow data to predict spring migration of an ungulate herds
Discharge and dissolved-solids characteristics of Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork, Wyoming, April 2018 through September 2019
A machine learning approach to modeling streamflow with sparse data in ungaged watersheds on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012–17
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2018 annual report
Discharge and dissolved-solids characteristics and trends of Snake River above Jackson Lake at Flagg Ranch, Wyoming, 1986–2018
Streamflow gains and losses in New Fork and Green Rivers, upstream from Fontenelle Reservoir, Wyoming, October 2015
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2017 annual report
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2016 annual report
Estimated nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to the Fish Creek watershed, Teton County, Wyoming, 2009–15
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2015 annual report
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2014 annual report
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative: Water Resources
EcoFlows: Understanding Streamflow Dynamics in Small Mountain Streams
Characterizing Hydrologic and Geomorphic Processes in a Spring-Fed, Cold-Desert Headwater Stream
Monitoring for Pesticides in Wyoming's Water
Characterization and Quantification of Salinity Loads from Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork near Lyman, Wyoming
From Gage to Page: A Look Into How USGS Helps You Know the Flow
Knowing the streamflow of a river is important for many. For example, irrigators need to know how the water can be allocated to fields, boaters need to know if the river is safe to float, and municipalities need to know how much supply will be at their intakes.
WLCI: Determining Streamflow Drivers in Wyoming Range Small Streams
WLCI: Groundwater Streamgages in the upper Green River Basin
WLCI: Long-term streamflow, water-quality, and groundwater data collection
Establishing a Streamgage
Streamgages are structures that house equipment that measures and records stream stage and other parameters before transmitting that data to centralized computers via satellites.
Creating the Rating Curve
The rating curve is a relation between stage (river level) and streamflow (discharge). Each stream channel is different and, because the stage-discharge relation is a function of the streambed material and geometry, each rating curve will be unique to that site and a particular period of time.
Wyoming-Montana Stream Water-Quality Network - Water Year 2020
Digitized datasets used in channel stability study in the Colorado River headwater arroyo system of Muddy Creek, Wyoming
Input data, model output, and R scripts for a machine learning streamflow model on the Wyoming Range, Wyoming, 2012-17
Estimated Nitrogen and Phosphorus Input to Fish Creek Watershed, Teton County, Wyoming
USGS employee surveys streamgage datum for the Snake River near Alpine, Wyoming to ensure real-time stage and streamflow data on the web are accurate.
USGS employee surveys streamgage datum for the Snake River near Alpine, Wyoming to ensure real-time stage and streamflow data on the web are accurate.
Streamflow measurement in S Fk Spread Creek, WY (13012475)
Streamflow measurement in S Fk Spread Creek, WY (13012475)
Cantilever staff plate at Muddy Creek near Hampton streamgage
Cantilever staff plate at Muddy Creek near Hampton streamgage
Headwaters of Littlefield Creek
Headwaters of Littlefield Creek
Installing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) Streamgage
Installing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) Streamgage
Installing sampling pump in river
Installing sampling pump in river
Moving ESP into gagehouse
Moving ESP into gagehouse
Sealing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor into its housing
Sealing MBARI Environmental Sample Processor into its housing
MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) installed in Streamgage
MBARI Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) installed in Streamgage
Sampling Big Sandy River below Farson, WY
Sampling Big Sandy River below Farson, WY
Streamflow measurement on Grouse Creek
Streamflow measurement on Grouse Creek
Littlefield Creek middle study site
Littlefield Creek middle study site
South Fork Spread Creek near Moran (13012475) streamgage
South Fork Spread Creek near Moran (13012475) streamgage
The wire weight was dropped from this bridge to measure the stream stage of the Blacks Fork River near Lyman, Wyoming. Even with an early start, it is a struggle to get work done before an afternoon storm rolls in.
The wire weight was dropped from this bridge to measure the stream stage of the Blacks Fork River near Lyman, Wyoming. Even with an early start, it is a struggle to get work done before an afternoon storm rolls in.
Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork Streamgage
Blacks Fork above Smiths Fork Streamgage
Summer Interns learning about sampling at the Bighorn River near Worland, Wyoming. The team used the bridge crane and heavy sampler to get water while streamflow was about twice average for the date.
Summer Interns learning about sampling at the Bighorn River near Worland, Wyoming. The team used the bridge crane and heavy sampler to get water while streamflow was about twice average for the date.
Measuring streamflow in Belle Fource River below Hulett, WY
Measuring streamflow in Belle Fource River below Hulett, WY
Wire weight mounted on bridge crossing Blacks Fork, streamgage 09219200
Wire weight mounted on bridge crossing Blacks Fork, streamgage 09219200
Taking water-quality equipment to Fogarty Creek
Taking water-quality equipment to Fogarty Creek
Measuring stream stage on Muddy Creek near Dad
Measuring stream stage on Muddy Creek near Dad
Chopping several feet of ice to access Black Canyon Creek
Chopping several feet of ice to access Black Canyon Creek