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Hydrography Seminar Series, Seminar 2 (Main) - May, 2015

The National Flood Interoperability Experiment – Leveraging USGS Elevation and Hydrography Data to define a common framework for integrating water resources datasets 

Thursday, May 21, 2015 – 2:00 PM Eastern – One Hour, Two Parts

Ed Clark - National Flash Flood Service Leader in the National Weather Service Headquarters Forecast Service Division

Abstract – The National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE) is a one-year collaboration, from September 2014 to August 2015, between the National Weather Service and its government partners, and the academic community and commercial partners, that is designed to demonstrate a transformational suite of science and services for the next generation of national flood hydrology and emergency response. Its intent is to better connect, in both directions, the flow of information among the federal, state and local entities responsible for measurement, forecasting and planning for floods, with the corresponding entities in the emergency response community. This experiment leverages new communications standards that simplify the exchange of water information among disparate producers and consumers, as well as integrating cutting edge hydrologic modeling and analysis techniques from the research community. With multiple federal agencies, and numerous academic institutions participating in the NFIE, the experiment requires a common framework for integrating information developed within newly develop hydrologic models and research effort with experimental and operational data services from federal agencies. This webinar will explore how organizers for the NFIE leveraged the National Hydrographic Dataset Plus Version 2 (NHDPlusV2) as the common hydrography model for conflating data during the experiment, and thus breaking down barriers new and exciting flood prediction and characterization services.

Biography – Ed Clark is the National Flash Flood Service Leader in the National Weather Service Headquarters Forecast Service Division. Prior to joining headquarters he was a senior hydrologist at the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center in Salt Lake City. Since joining the hydrology team at NWS headquarters he has lead efforts on behalf of the Office of Hydrologic Development to scope and designing the Integrated Water Resources Science and Service’s Interoperability and Data Synchronization capabilities, as well as plan for the NOAA National Water Center.

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