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Step 1: Check Name and Address

This section will walk you through the process of verifying the name and address of an existing structure point with a red border.

Back to: How to Edit an Existing Structure | Previous: Finding Points to Edit | Next: Step 2: Check Location


To check an existing structure's information, click on the point to select it. The structure's information will appear on the left side of the imagery. We will be verifying the existing Beach Court Elementary School point in Denver as an example.   

The point attribute and edit history information panel
Attribute information and any editing history information will be displayed in a panel on the left side of the imagery. This panel also contains options to zoom to or edit the point.


Do some research to identify an authoritative source from which you can confirm the name and address. Compare the information entered for the point to the information published by an authoritative source.  

Beach Court Elementary School website home page
A web search for “Beach Court Elementary School Denver” generated several results with the official school website listed first:
Side-by-side view of TNMC editing window and official webpage for Beach Court Elementary School
The official name and address of this school are listed at the bottom of their homepage. Compare this information to the information listed in the attribute window. In this example, the information entered for the point is correct and properly formatted – no changes are required.


NOTE: When editing schools especially, you’ll need to pay close attention to the symbol. An elementary school should be labeled with the Elementary School symbol, a high school should be labeled with the High School symbol, etc. Check out our school type decision tree for more guidance on properly labeling schools. 


If the information entered is not correct, update it to reflect the information published by an authoritative source. If the information is not formatted properly, update it to comply with our formatting guidelines


If the fields are blank, fill in as much missing information as possible. If you are unable to find address information published by an authoritative source, it is acceptable to leave the address fields blank, or to include a single street name or set of crossroads.  


To make changes to the name and address fields, click on the Edit Structure button: 



Enable an edit session with the edit button
To enter or make changes to the name and / or address, click on the Edit Structure button to enable editing.
Full view of the editing window features
When the editing window is open, you can change the symbol, name, and / or address, delete the point, save the point, zoom to the structure, or undo any unsaved changes.
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