This Scientific Data Release is a spatial geodatabase containing Woodruff, K.D. Christopher, M.J., 1982, Thickness of Regolith in the Delaware Piedmont: Delaware Geological Survey Open File Report No. 19, scale 1:24,000, formatted to Geologic Map Schema (GeMS) standards. These geospatial data depict the total thickness (regolith) of both the loose, transported material and the weathered rock that overlies crystalline rocks of the Delaware Piedmont. Land-use planners of many kinds (including National Forest managers, developers, city and rural planners, and highway builders) need accurate geologic data with which to make informed decisions. This geodatabase was produced in support of the U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geoframework Initiative in the Delaware River Basin. The project was funded as part of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.