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A Lithostratigraphic Analysis of the Meteor Crater Ejecta Blanket: Measurements, Assigned Facies, and Unit Thickness

February 8, 2023

Current models do not sufficiently explain target rock-projectile mixing and ejecta blanket formation for small impact craters (i.e., less than 2km diameter). For example, due to the size of Meteor Crater and the low-velocity at which materials were excavated from the transient crater, the extent of target rock-projectile mixing is expected to be minor. However, based on drilling notes from Dr. David Roddy and preliminary work done at the USGS, we found lithologic mixing is much more prevalent throughout the ejecta blanket. We have used the USGS Meteor Crater sample collection to investigate the internal stratigraphy and spatial distribution of impact-generated materials in the ejecta blanket to better understand cratering processes involving votatile-rich sedimentary target rocks. Data presented here are the measurements and summarized results from our lithostratigraphic analysis of the continuous ejecta blanket at Meteor Crater. 'Lithostratigraphic_analysis_measurements' file includes all of our mass and volume measurements for each sample, and 'Lithostratigraphic_analysis_summary' file is our summarized results, which includes an assigned unit for each sample based on the contrasting mixtures of target rocks (from our measurements), and the overall thickness of each identified unit across the selected transects. These data are the supplementary materials associated with a manuscript that will soon be published in a peer-review journal.

Publication Year 2023
Title A Lithostratigraphic Analysis of the Meteor Crater Ejecta Blanket: Measurements, Assigned Facies, and Unit Thickness
DOI 10.5066/P9J0PUPY
Authors Amber L Gullikson, Tenielle A Gaither, Justin J Hagerty, Kyle A Villarreal
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Astrogeology Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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