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Climate and stage observations and hydrologic model results for Sinking Pond at Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Tennessee

January 20, 2021
This data release includes data-processing scripts, data products, and associated metadata for a study to recalibrate a hydrologic model for Sinking Pond, a 35-hectare seasonally flooded karst depression wetland located at Arnold Engineering Development Complex near Manchester, Tennessee. A hydrologic model for Sinking Pond was originally published by Wolfe and others (2004). That original model used daily climatic inputs from weather stations and was calibrated and validated using daily stage observations from Sinking Pond. These datasets began January 1, 1854 and October 1, 1992 (for climate and stage observations, respectively) and extended through September 30, 2002. Recalibration of the Sinking Pond hydrologic model first required updating these datasets to extend through September 30, 2019. The hydrologic model was then recalibrated using the updated climate and stage datasets to produce new values for the calibrated parameters in the model. This data release includes the following components ("Child Items", below) that document the recalibration process and present results from the recalibrated model: (1) Annotated R script for the Sinking Pond hydrologic model. This item contains a data-processing script in the R statistical language (R Core Team, 2017) that performs each step of the model recalibration process. Detailed information, comments, and instructions for using the R script are contained within the .R file in this item. (2) Daily values for climate and stage observations, hydrologic model terms, and modeled pond stage. This item contains a data file (.csv) and associated metadata document (.xml) for the daily time-step model from January 1, 1854 through September 30, 2019 under the original calibration and the recalibration, along with daily climate (temperature and precipitation) values and observed stage values used in the recalibration process. (3) Model recalibration results including recalibrated parameters and model performance statistics. This item contains a data file (.csv) and associated metadata document (.xml) for the results from the recalibration process. Each row in the dataset represents a unique combination of values for the four model parameters subject to calibration along with model performance statistics. Details on model parameters and performance statistics are provided in the metadata document for this item. (4) Relationship between pond volume and pond stage (volume rating curve) for Sinking Pond. This item contains a data file (.csv) and associated metadata document (.xml) for the volume-stage relationship at the Sinking Pond study site. References R Core Team, 2017, R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Wolfe, W.J., Evans, J.P., McCarthy, S., Gain, W.S., and Bryan, B.A., 2004, Tree-regeneration and mortality patterns and hydrologic change in a forested karst wetland?Sinking Pond, Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4217, 53 p.
Publication Year 2021
Title Climate and stage observations and hydrologic model results for Sinking Pond at Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Tennessee
DOI 10.5066/P96F7JHP
Authors Jennifer M Cartwright
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center - Nashville, TN Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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