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Data and analytical code assessing eleven songbird species' responses to environmental change during summertime (2008 - 2020) in the InterMountain West, USA

November 6, 2023

This data release provides avian data for 11 songbird species (Bewick’s wren [Thryomanes bewickii], black-throated gray warbler [Setophaga nigrescens], Brewer’s sparrow [Spizella breweri], gray flycatcher [Empidonax wrightii], gray vireo [Vireo vicinior], green-tailed towhee [Pipilo chlorurus], juniper titmouse [Baeolophus ridgwayi], loggerhead shrike [Lanius ludovicianus], sagebrush sparrow [Artemisiospiza nevadensis], sage thrasher [Oreoscoptes montanus], and Townsend’s solitaire [Myadestes townsendi]) associated with summertime point count surveys conducted throughout the InterMountain West under the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program, 2008 - 2020. Additionally, remotely sensed environmental data used in analyses, summarized at various spatial extents, is included in this data release. Finally, we provide code written in the R programming language to model avian abundance as a function of environmental covariates, evaluate model output for fit and chain convergence, and summarize model results in both table and figure formats.

Publication Year 2023
Title Data and analytical code assessing eleven songbird species' responses to environmental change during summertime (2008 - 2020) in the InterMountain West, USA
DOI 10.5066/P9KFCBLH
Authors Nicholas J Van Lanen, Adrian P Monroe, Cameron Aldridge
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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