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Data describing hypoxia vulnerability in the salmon watersheds of Southeast Alaska

April 10, 2024

This .zip file contains five products that will allow users to recreate the analyses and spatial data figures used in Sergeant et al. 2023, Hypoxia Vulnerability in the Salmon Watersheds of Southeast Alaska: 1) Hypoxia vulnerability calculations (.csv file) at water temperature monitoring sites, 2) Hypoxia vulnerability calculations (.csv file) for stream reaches near hatchery release sites, 3) Habitat characteristics (.csv file) at water temperature monitoring sites, 4) R code (.R file) for recreating Figure 3, modeled contours of the estimated number of pink salmon/m2 to create hypoxia in Southeast Alaska streams across all potential combinations of velocity, depth, and water temperature, 5) Esri map package (.mpk file) that will allow users to recreate Figures 4 and 6 using ArcGIS and extract basic reach- and watershed-scale data associated with hypoxia vulnerability. The hypoxia vulnerability metric values are color-coded for watershed polygons and stream reach lines that are defined in the legends of Figures 4 and 6 and also within the data layers of the .mpk file. Note that there are four separate data frames in the .mpk file that represent different geographic regions (North, Central, South, and Overview). The .mpk file will open in ArcGIS Pro, but may not open in versions of ArcGIS Desktop earlier than 10.8.2.

Publication Year 2024
Title Data describing hypoxia vulnerability in the salmon watersheds of Southeast Alaska
DOI 10.5066/P9VAKF20
Authors Christopher J. Sergeant, Jeffrey A Falke
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Cooperative Research Units Program
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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