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Data on the Efficacy of Five Pulicides as Tools for Suppressing Fleas on Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, South Dakota, 2015-2017

April 7, 2021

Data on the efficacy of 5 pulicides as tools for suppressing fleas on black-tailed prairie dogs in Buffalo Gap National Grassland, South Dakota, 2015-2017. Fleas were collected from live-trapped prairie dogs on non-treated (CONTROL) sites and nearby sites treated with pulicides for flea control. Data are from 3 prairie dog colonies (South Exclosure, Cutbank, and Big Foot). We tested the following pulicides: Alpine ALPINE dust (0.25% dinotefuran wih 95% diatomaceous earth), Dusta-cide MALATHION dust (6% malathion), Sevin SEVIN dust (5% carbaryl), Tri-Die TRIDIE dust (1% pyrethrum with 40% amorphous silica and 10% piperonyl butoxide), and FIPRONIL grain (0.005% fipronil). Two sets of data are presented, each with flea counts (Fleas) from prairie dogs. Each line of data is from an individual prairie dog. The first set of data, Shortterm BACIs 2015-17, includes data from short-term before-after-control-impact (BACI) experiments comparing the abundance of fleas on prairie dogs at non-treated and treated sites in 3 time intervals: before pulicide treatments (Before), from 1 to 30 days after the treatments (After-1), and from 31 to 91 days after the treatments (After-2). The second set of data, Longterm BACI 2016-17, includes data from long-term BACI experiments comparing the abundance of fleas on prairie dogs at non-treated and treated sites in 3 time intervals: before pulicide treatments (June-July 2016), 11 months after the treatments (June 2017), and 12 months after the treatments (July 2017). Funding and logistical support were provided by the U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Forest Service, National Park Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado State University, Prairie Wildlife Research, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and World Wildlife Fund.

Publication Year 2021
Title Data on the Efficacy of Five Pulicides as Tools for Suppressing Fleas on Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, South Dakota, 2015-2017
DOI 10.5066/P9MGGR4Q
Authors David A Eads
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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